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// A/N: please excuse my absence for these past couple of days and maybe even more. I've been spending as much time as I can with my best friend and plan on having a week to myself next week, so I may not update as much as I'd like to. Due to some of my family leaving, I do have to drive back and forth to the airport quite alot so please be patient with me! My phone, in unfortunate news, has finally come to a point in it's life where it's no longer working. I'm planning on getting a new one soon, but this also means it will affect my publishing schedule as well. Again, sorry.

Your author,


"uncle hobi,"


The child eyed the male up and down as he snuck his way into the home, not a sound being made once he entered successfully.
Yoongi and Jimin were no where to be seen, hidden somewhere along the home of the three, so Sunmi decided to send her uncle an invitation to a "tea meeting".

Hoseok, having nothing better to do, took up her offer and arrived at the home a few moments after she had sent him a message over Skype. Now, here he was, sneaking into the living room in a very spy-like way.
He tussled over the couch, crouching on top of the cushions after he slipped his shoes off. Tumbling down toward the ground with a thump, Hoseok continued his act, entertaining the girl entirely.

He rolled himself across the carpeted ground until he hit the foot of the opposite couch. "Coast is clear?" He whispered to Sunmi who had been watching him in amusement, she nodded. And that was his signal. He leaped up, hopped over the toys that were scattered across the floor and hid behind a chair.

"Uncle hobi-"

"Shh, you'll blow my cover!" He whispered while getting on his knees to crawl toward the kitchen.

The girl giggled and followed suit, also hiding behind the marble counter.
"We have to save Mr.meow, he's been captured by the evil butterfly king, butter."
Sunmi told with a serious tone, Hoseok gasping dramatically and shaking his head hastily.

"N-No, not mr.meow! How could he?" Hoseok sucked his teeth, glaring over at the staircase that lead to her room.
"We have to save him, come on, there's no time!"

Sunmi ran up the stairs, feet thumping against each step loudly. Hoseok crawled up quietly as they reach the top. He took a double-look around the hallway before signaling for the girl to proceed.

"Where are the two other spies, Jimin and Yoongi?" Hoseok asked before entering her room.

"They're busy." Sunmi huffed. "Dad's practicing in the backyard and Daddy's working in his office"

"Oh.." hoseok frowned upon seeing Sunmi's shoulders drop slightly. "You know what?"

Sunmi looked up at him as he stood up straight and stretched his arms over his head. "Let's go out, just you and me"

"Really?" Sunmi's face lit up at the suggestion. Other than the few times he's taken care of her, she's never gone out of the house with him.

"Yeah, let's go ask your dad first and then we can go. I'll even let you choose what we listen to in the car"
At that, Sunmi sprinted down the stairs to find her father, Hoseok chuckling behind.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok looked around the office but saw no sign of the male. Sunmi made a confused sound as she pouted.

"He was just here a few minutes ago."

"Hm, well let's go ask Jimin instead" Hoseok held the girl's hand as he walked toward the backyard. Jimin stood in the middle of the large space, dancing passionately as music blared through a speaker he set up next to him. The song was strangely familiar to Hoseok, almost like something he had heard Yoongi working on before.

"Jimin?" Hoseok called. The blonde turned around and smiled, wiping the sweat off of his face after turning the speaker off.

"Hey Hoseok, are you looking for yoongi?" Jimin arched a brow.

"Actually, I couldn't find him in his office so I came to you instead." He smiled. "I'm taking Sunmi out for a bit and I wanted you to know."

"Ah, that's fine." Jimin jumped at the sound of his name being called from inside.

"Jimin, did you finish yet?" Yoongi questioned from the door that lead to the outside. Jimin shook his head which made the dark haired male sigh.
"I need it by tomorrow morning, think you can work a bit harder for me?"

Jimin tsk'ed before nodding off to him, Hoseok's face scrunched up at the odd interaction, truly interested in what they had planned.

"What are you two doing?" Hoseok asked, Jimin smiling softly as he rolled up the sleeves of his sweater.

"Yoongi's got this song that I've been helping him with, but now he needs the choreography to go with it. It's uh...it's pretty damn hard" Jimin laughed breathlessly.

"Oh, well, good luck I guess" hoseok patted the blondes sweaty hair before waving goodbye and taking Sunmi with him.

"Bye daddy!" Sunmi kissed Yoongi goodbye after he had given her permission to leave with Hoseok.

The two left the home and Hoseok directed his way to a nearby shopping mall.


After a few hours of spoiling Sunmi rotten, Hoseok lead the way back to their vehicle. Sunmi, whining the entire drive back home, began to plead and beg for Hoseok to take her to one last place.

That place being the only one Sunmi had wanted to visit the entire day,

The animal shelter.

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