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A few weeks had passed since Yoongi had proposed the question to Jimin. Jimin, without a second thought, accepted his offer. Now, they were officially referred to as boyfriends.

Yoongi exhaled loudly, gaining the attention of his co-worker and assistant. He slouched into his chair, reclining ever so slightly.

"Min, you good?" Namjoon questioned as he looked up from his computer up to his friend.

Yoongi hummed, returning to the paperwork on his desk only to groan once more. "This kid keeps trying to get into the company, what does he think we are? Magicians? We can't just magically make room for him here."

"Who is it?" Namjoon stretched his arms over his head, letting a groan of soreness overcome his vocals.

"Someone by the name, JK. Know anyone with those initials? I swear, he's been e-mailing me like crazy. Oh look–he just sent me another one" yoongi huffed.

Namjoon shook his head and switched his attention to the assistant. "Can you get this mysterious JK on the line? Try to find anything on him please"
The woman instantly followed his orders and went to work.

Moments later, she returned with the phone number of the unidentified person. "It seems like this boy isn't quite smart, he forgot his phone number is connected to his e-mail. Needless to say, he was easy to find." The woman snickered while setting up the line for Yoongi.

"Sir, I advise that you have no interaction with him until he comes to the building himself. He could attempt to scam you, you could be in danger." She informed, glancing over to her boss to see him shaking his head.

"I have to know who he is at least." Yoongi took the phone from her hands, listening to the continuous ringing until the person finally answered.

"Heyooo, this is Kookie speaking!" An enthusiastic voice chimed in a bright sing-song tone.

Yoongi's brows knitted together as he heard the nickname. Didn't he hear that somewhere? He swore he's heard it before...

"Hello? Anyone there? Ah, is this a prank call? Or is this Tae..if so, come home already! I've been sitting on the couch, naked, for about an hour now–"

"Hey yea,–no this isn't who you think it is. Uh, gross." Yoongi rubbed his temples. "This is Min Yoongi, co-owner of the MinKim entertainment. I'm calling in regards to why you keep e-mailing me. You seem to be desperate to be in my company"

"Holy shit! Uh, I didn't expect you to read them.. nonetheless find my number." The person spoke. "But yea, I want to be an option for you. I know I have talent, and you're the owner of one of the biggest entertainment companies..so...Sign me! I want to work for you"

"You're quite confident, how am I supposed to sign you when I haven't even heard your so called "talent"? What do you do kid?" Yoongi smirked as he heard the anonymous person scoff.

"I sing" They gleefully told. "Really good. Wanna hear?"

"Go for it" Yoongi chuckled, placing the phone on speaker for Namjoon to listen to as well. Namjoon sat on Yoongi's desk, giving the kid his full attention.

"Wow alright,this is happening. This is my chance.." they inhaled sharply before beginning to sing.

The person's voice was good, Yoongi had to admit. It was smooth as honey, flowing flawlessly and filling their office with perfections. The song choice fit well with their vocal range, making it easier for Namjoon and Yoongi to point out their advantages and disadvantages.
(A/N: the song above is the one he sang)

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