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That's how Jimin was feeling;

He didn't want to see Hoseok's lips against Yoongi's, because he was jealous. Those kisses were only meant for Jimin(with the exception of Sunmi, of course), no one else.

The others were far too occupied with setting up some other game to even notice the way Jimin had straddled Yoongi's lap. Jimin's ears,nose, and cheeks were burning in a bright pink tint, failing to hide the nervousness that built up inside of him.
Yoongi's cheeks matched with his, turning darker with each second Jimin's lips ghosted over his own.

It wasn't until their lips collided that they felt that feeling. The feeling of lust and possessiveness over each other. Jimin's hands made their way to card through Yoongi's hair. Yoongi, on the other hand, was making gentle circles against the smooth skin on Jimin's waist. His large hands slid under his shirt, finding the perfect pattern to trace on his bare back and hips.

Their tongues soon made a presence, fighting for dominance within each other's mouth. Jimin released a moan into Yoongi's cavern, Yoongi mocking it with his own low and raspy, grunt. The kiss became rougher and sloppier the longer they proceeded. Soon enough, Jimin had begun grinding down against Yoongi's fabric covered thighs. And of course, Yoongi didn't hesitate to allow his hands to travel down to the two round globes that belonged to Jimin. He squeezed them harshly, making Jimin whine out.

"Woah, alrighty then...I guess you guys aren't interested in playing uno with us?" Jungkook grinned at the sight of his best friend practically eating his lover's face off.

"Yah! Get a room!" Jin complained.

Jimin finally pulled away upon hearing their many disgusted comments. With the sleeve of his jacket, he wiped his own lips from the excess saliva before moving to Yoongi's with the opposite sleeve. Yoongi smiled and pecked Jimin's cheek, a smile creeping up on said boys face.

Jimin moved around a bit to get more comfortable in Yoongi's lap. Yoongi didn't mind though. In fact, he loved this feeling. The feeling that he might actually be in love again. Jimin's arms lazily wrapped around his neck before letting his head rest on his shoulder, burrowing his face into the crook of it. Yoongi wrapped his arms around his waist, dragging his hands up and down his back in a comforting motion.

"Say cheese!" Taehyung announced, snapping a picture of the two right before Yoongi's smile could falter. Jimin tucked his face further away, murmuring incoherent words that Yoongi couldn't solve.

"Chim...tired." Jimin mumbled. Yoongi hummed and tapped his butt playfully.

"How about you stay in the guest room tonight? Just so you don't have to drive home drunk, hm?" Yoongi offered, to which Jimin agreed to with a nod.
"Do you want to go to bed now?"

Jimin nodded and soon felt himself being lead to the bedroom instead of carried. After all, Yoongi wasn't the strongest man on earth, he couldn't carry an 140lb grown man.

"Yoongi.." Jimin whimpered as he threw himself onto the plush mattress. His legs dangled over the edge, making it harder for yoongi to re-position him comfortably.

"Yea?" He answered, lifting his legs up and onto the bed so he could lay his body right.

"When will you ask me?" Jimin's voice muffled against the spare pillow. Yoongi frowned as he slipped his shoes off for him, tossing them to the side before slipping off Jimin's jacket with care.

"Ask you what, Jiminie?" He questioned, making Jimin pout and open his dazed eyes to look at him.

"To be yours dummy." Jimin showcased a goofy smile. Yoongi froze in his position, mid-way of covering Jimin with the blanket.

"To..to be mine?" Yoongi gulped and looked down at him for a response. Jimin nodded and shut his eyes again, allowing the soft blonde hair to cascade over his face.

"Mhm, boyfriend's. Kookie and Tae already think we're dating too...and we've kissed alot. Just ask me already." Jimin spoke with a raspy tone.

"Let's talk about this when you're sober, alright?" Yoongi shut off the lights and closed the door behind himself.

Once he returned to the living room, the others were already packing their things and saying their goodbye's. Yoongi walked each of them out before locking his home and tucking Sunmi into bed.

"Hey baby, time for bed." Yoongi whispered to the girl with her toys sprawled out on the ground.

"Okay" she carefully placed the objects inside her toy box before leaving onto her bed and laying down. Since she already had her pajamas on, all that was left to do was tuck her in.

Yoongi combed back the hair from her face, leaning down to peck her on the forehead after. She sighed in content and smiled up at him. "Daddy, what's wrong? It looks like you're thinking about something"

Yoongi nodded and sat at the edge of her bed. "I am. It's about us"

"Us? Why?" Sunmi frowned.

"Sunmi, why did you draw Jimin and label him as daddy?" He asked. Her face gained a red tint to it as she thought of a response. Why did she draw him? The only daddy she has is Yoongi, so why did she call mr.park that?

"Because..I think he would be a good daddy." Sunmi scrunched up her nose in thought. Yoongi switched his gaze from her, to his hands while nodding.

"Do you think..." Yoongi inhaled sharply, feeling a sudden lump building in his throat. The words that he wanted to let out just wouldn't. They were stuck, unable to release with ease.

"Do you think you would–" Yoongi shook his head and relaxed his muscles, rethinking the situation. Should he make this decision final? Does he know for sure that Jimin is the one?

"Jimin and daddy have been good friends for a while now.." Yoongi began, his daughters eyebrows furrowed at his explanation. "And, um, I may have kissed him a few times too–"

"You did what!?" She shot up from her laying down position to listen better. "You kissed Mr.Park!? How? When?"

"That's not important, what is important is that I have a very serious question–"

"What do you mean it's not important? Of course it is! You kissed my dance teacher! You can't kiss him!" Sunmi shouted.

Yoongi was taken aback, momentarily panicking before thinking it all out. Holy shit, was she homophobic? No, she can't be. She knows I like guys too. But what if she was lying before and she actually hates the idea of having another male as her father? Oh no, what if she hates Jimin and she's just playing along to like him?
Shit, how does he play this conversation off–

"You can't kiss Mr.Park because he's already taken dad! He has a boyfriend!"


A/N: lmao, what's good. So, Jimin is a hoe apparently??? hm.
Aside from the story, I just saw a post I was tagged in by a friend, and lordddd I cried. They're so sweet, and I just want to love them all the time.💜

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