" Dont close your eyes , "

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Dua puluh tiga...

Selepas tamat saja kenduri tahlil , Mwe perlu menguruskan mayat Romy dan Gaby . Oleh kerana kesibukan yang dihadapi oleh Mwe , Fazira berkesempatan menyelinap keluar dari rumah agam itu.

Dia mengikut lorong kecil yang tidak ada CCTV pada laluan itu. Jalan bawah tanah. Dia rasa sungguh bersyukur kerana mencipta jalan itu. Satu satunya jalan yang boleh digunakan sekiranya kecemasan.

Keluar saja dari lorong bawah tanah , dia berlari ke arah kereta yang bernombor plat A 77. Nombor peribadi yang digunakan oleh orang yang gajinya mencecah jutaan pada setiap bulan.

"Mrs. Rey , " pintu kereta itu di buka dari dalam. Fazira masuk ke dalam kereta itu. Lelaki yang lengkap bersuit hitam dan kelabu itu menghulurkan salam perkenalan. Kereta itu menluncur laju , melepasi pengawal keselamat tanpa perlu diperiksa.

"Did you had found my son? " Fazira bertanya soalan yang baginya satu soalan yang amat penting dari segala galanya.

"We has found his last place that he stay. But he seems like doing that for a reason. I've send my people there but they says that he didn't ..."

"I don't want any accuses ! Just tell me where he is! " Fazira bersuara dalam nada tenang tetapi gayanya sedang menunjukkan yang dia tengah marah.

"Our hometown, " Wajah Fazira berubah reaksi. Kepalanya dikalihkan menghadap ke luar tingkap.

Pembantu peribadi lelaki itu memandangnya dari cermin kereta apabila mereka berdua senyap tanpa kata.

"He is in danger... " suaranya bergetar. Fazira menekup wajahnya.

"I know how much you want to save him. But he still has his father. His father is someone wealthy at there."

"I just want to keep him save... " Dia tidak tahu sama ada keputusannya kali ini berjaya atau tidak.

"You had lied to them so many years. I know in your eyes, you still want to fight the evil. We need the judgement and only you can save people who are suffer in that castle! "

"My son is on the line! How can I save them and get rid my own blood ?! Tell me how! You also has daughter! Will you let your daughter die because you want to save people who are not even you relatives! "

"We have make this promise for more than ten years! Did you forgot? You promised to 200 people that you will save them from him! "

Fazira keluar dari kereta itu. Dia melangkah dengan laju ke arah bangunan yang gelap gelita. Dari kejauhan , lima orang lelaki yang menjaga pintu masuk segera membuka pintu apabila mengecam wajah bengis itu.

Girls, they cry for a second and get angry within a second.

"It is your fault. They would never knew you had son if you didn't accident! " Fazira bengang. Dia berpaling ke belakang. Lelaki itu turut membalas pandangan tajamnya.

"Do you think they are stupid like you do? Do anything without thinking? Because of your impatient Rey's knew the reason I agree to marry him! "

"But he still protect you from him. "

"You're the one who is emotion. You use Rey's son to make him jealous, "

"But now he's died. No one will protect you from him anymore. You won't be free. They will come to you anytime. "

"Talk about him. Rey was the one who is suffering. He love you but he can't help you even he want to. "

Fazira menggengam erat tangannya sehingga timbul urat. Matanya berair.

"He love 'him' as well,"

Seluruh tubuh fazira mula bergetar. Perasaannya bercampur aduk. Antara cinta atau dendam.

Kedua duanya membunuhnya dan juga orang sekeliling.

"I'll make sure Affar ..."

"Stop it! " Fazira menjerit. Walaupun tubuhnya membelakangi lelaki itu. Namun lelaki itu tahu yang Fazira sedang menangis.

"We are not young anymore, Fazira. Just pass me the document and all of us will happy, "

"You talked to much, Dollas. Do you think that he will stay still if he knows that I remembered everything? " Kakinya masih teguh berdiri.

"I've think this for a while. I'll tell them that I regain my memory and pass that document to my daughter in-law, " Mata Dollas mengembang. Dia tercengang.

"Are you lost your mind?! They will kill you immediately! And why your daughter in-law involved here? She is nothing to do with us, "

"Khalid won't choose a random girl to stay next to him. I know him very well, she is him in behalf. Very strong than her look. Very pure but scary. She can handle this alone. She got a big heart. I fall in love with how she fight for herself after being betrayed by her fiancé. "

"In other words, I'll make all of us happy. My husband really love me so he would not ask me for doing this. His company is clear. And I know, Khalid will come back. He was raised by me. He won't disappointed me with losing his life for nothing, "

"Promise me, Dollas. Make sure they got their freedom. Let my daughter in-law happy while waiting Khalid to come back. Always watch my son very carefully. He might hate me as his mother, but I still love him. If Khalid come back home, please tell him I'm sorry for treating him so bad when he was young. And tell him I love both of my children, I want him to look at me as his mother for once, "

I wish I could hear both of my son call me momma. I really wish I could.

Fazira melangkah masuk ke gudang. Meninggal Dollas yang memandang ke arahnya tanpa henti.

"You were born to be that strong. Your family leave you alone. Your lover left you without a words . Aiden took away your only son from you. Your husband died. And still, you here,"

If she is a man , she will be superhero.

"I really admire her as a mentor. She was the best actress I ever met, " Pembantunya meluahkan rasa kagumnya kepada Dollas.

"She never act. She really love him. But I forced him to keep her promises. But I admit that she is a good leader. She want Khalid happy because she once take that happiness from him, "

"Do you know who kill her husband and son? " Dollas mendongak.

"Yeah. And this is time for revenge, "

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