Ep 1

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(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Mobius a planet with its own people, and well animals too. Sonic the Hedgehog, one of the most famous hero's who's always ready to fight a battle. Which is exactly what he's doing right now.

"Ohohohoh!" Laughed Eggman as he sent out his usual bee, and crab bots to fight.

  Sonic, with a smug look on his face, whirled past and destroyed the bots in his path.

"Sonic~" he knew that high voice, "Are done with you battle yet?" The hammer swinger asked.

"You kidding I'm just having some fun," Sonic replied, spin dashing another bee bot.

"Well hurry up, the others are waiting and I want you to walk me there," the pink hedgehog said smiling.

  Her blue hero quickly finishing off the small squad of robots that once functioned.

"I'll be back Sonic. I'll have a new robot to smash you, you... blue pineapple!" Eggman shouted, floating away in his egg mobile.

"Catch ya latter Eggface," Sonic said walking back towards Amy.

"Come on they want to meet at the beach," Amy clung onto Sonics arm refusing to let go.

--- At the Beach ---

"Sonic glad you could make it," Tails smiled, "What took you so long."

"Just had some fun destroying some of Egghead's bots," Sonic answered, rubbing the bottom of his nose with his hand on his hip while standing tall, a not as famous move of his, "So what's going on?"

"We're gonna play a short game. Tails is working on his new invention," Knuckles said tossing up a brown soccer ball.

"Cool," Sonic walked over and they split into teams.

  Sonic, and Tails on the occasional break from working, against Knuckles and Amy. They played until Tails finished building.

"Okay so if my calculations are correct, this automatic assembler should be able to create the desired item from only its parts and ingredients," Tails explained, "Now to test it."

  He fired at a bag of flour, milk, eggs, butter, sugar, and cherries. It turned into a smoking black rock.

"Don't think that's edible bubby," Sonic patted Tails's back, "Next test though."

"Thanks, Sonic. Now to just make the adjustments needed," Tails got right back to work as Sonic yawned, "There's a nice tree to the right if you wanna take a nap Sonic."

"Wake me if you need me," Sonic jumped up found a nice branch to nap on.

  Amy watched Tails for a little bit before switching to watching Sonic nap peacefully. He's so dreamy, she thought as she watched the sun hit Sonic's sapphire quills.

--- Elsewhere ---

  Shadow, known for always seeming angry, showing very small amounts of emotion otherwise, and using chaos energy. He was simply gazing into nothing as he leaned against a tree. He had nothing on his mind until a blue flower petal fell onto his nose. Making him remember a certain blue hero.


Hey readers. I'm so nervous about writing this. If the story sounds interesting so far let me know. It's my first FanFic, but I have written other books on my primary account.

You can find my other account if you're curious:


Thanks for reading the first part. Hope you enjoyed.

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