Ep 19

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(PoV: Shadow)

  I woke up to a certain blue hedgehog talking. I looked down and he was still asleep. Sleep talking now are we? I wonder what kind of dream he's having, my wonders went on as I wiped a bit of drool from his lip.

"... shadow... course..." Sonic mumbled.

  He's dreaming about Me? What does Shadow course mean? I would of he'll answer questions.

"Sonic, what's your favorite color?" I asked a trial question to be sure he wouldn't wake up.

"...mmm... purple..." he muttered, still asleep.

So he won't wake up.

"How do you feel about Shadow?" Third person sounds weird.

"... You can't... have him... he's mine... I... love him..."

  He loves me... Humph looks like I'm his just as much as he is mine.

  I didn't ask him any more questions afterwards. I just held him as he buried his face further into my white fur. Sonic The Adorable Hedgehog.

(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Sonic woke up with red eyes gazing at him.

"Have a nice nap?" The ebony asked.

"... y-yeah~" Sonic yawned.

"Good," Shadow kissed his ear and got up, "I'll be right back."

"Okay~" Sonic stretched and walked over to his balcony, taking in some fresh air.

"Hey Blue," Scourge was in a tree next to the balcony.

"Didn't I send you home?" Sonic said annoyed, "What are you still doing here?"

"Nothing much, just listening to You and Shadow having sex,"Scourge smirked and Sonic froze, "You certainly sounded like you were having a good time. Now about that stroll we have planned."

"You want me to go with you in order to keep quiet," Sonic finished his sentence as he jumped onto the balcony.

"Smarter than you let off Blue," Scourge lifted his chin only for his hand to be hit away, "I wouldn't do that if you want to keep this secret."

"What's he doing back?" Shadow snared coming out to the balcony.

"Oh nothing, by the way, I would love to know what you did to make Sonic moan like that. Because I'll top it," Scourge was getting in the ebony's nerves.

"You think you can take him? " Shadow pulled Sonic away.

"I know I can," Scourge was still holding Sonic's arm when he jumped off the balcony, taking Sonic with him, "So sweetheart where to? My place?"

"Not a chance," Sonic pulled his hand away, "I'm spending today with Shadow."

"To my place then," he continued pulling Sonic; only to get a hard kick to the side, sending him into a tree.

"Go home Scourge," Sonic demanded before going back inside and locking the door.

"Alright, alright I get it," Scourge backed away, I'll just grab him went he's next alone, Source though laughing as he left.

  Sonic went back up to Shadow who was waiting for him.

"Miss me?" Sonic teased.

"Come 'ere you," Shadow wrapped his arms around Sonic's waist and they had a short kiss, "You want to try going out today?"

"Let me take this off then," Sonic started unbuttoning his shirt again.

"I'm not asking that Sonic," he pointed to a picture of my hero self on the wall, "I'm asking this Sonic," he pointed to my nose, "my Sonic."

"Oh Shadow," Sonic wrapped his arms around Shadow's neck and gave him a quick peck, "Let me get ready."

  Sonic left Shadow arms and ran into the bathroom with the stockings Shadow gave him, and cream yellow sweater. Much like his favorite poncho, only with sleeves and black straps that went over his shoulders to hold up the loose sweater. He placed the rose Shadow brought him in a vase before they left and adjusted his headband one last time.

---Town Square---

(PoV: Shadow)

  Sonic was fiddling with the bottom trim of his outfit as we walked around. I could he was nervous from all the stares and glances. This really was the first time they saw Sonic when he wasn't being a hero. He held on to my arm tight, his ear droopy. I hated when he was upset.

"Sonic," I lifted his head so I could see those emerald eyes, "ignore them. They're only staring because they can't stand how stunning you are on you're own."

"Shadow~" he hugged me and I brushed his quills back, "okay. I-I'll try to ignore th-them."

  I heard a couple squeals from some girls and a few guys. I looked around, some of the mobians around us had huge grins, like they were just given the best thing in the world. A badge and red wolf ran over to us and held Sonic closer in defense.

"You two are so cute together," she said, "Sonic I think I love you more now. I'm glad you guys are happy."

"Th-thanks," Sonic stuttered.

"Aww too cute," she ran off, "guys! You won't believe this!"

"I told you it wouldn't be so bad," I picked him up and kept walking.

"Sh-Shadow put me down!" He squirmed as I heard more squeals, "everyone's watching..."

"Let them watch," I raised him and gave him a quick kiss before taking off, leaving no trace of us behind.

  I took Sonic to a nice restaurant. We mostly talked as we ate. I knew exactly what I wanted to do when I got back from my mission, but first I would need to buy something of extreme importance.


I know that chapter's kinda short, but I ran out of content. I'll see if I can make the next chapter longer. See ya~ 😙

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