Ep 27

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(PoV: 3rd Person)

It had been almost a month since the incident with Eggman and Scourge. Sonic still hadn't said a full word, although would sometime say part of Shadow's name when they were in bed together. Sonic had been wanting that part of their relationship much more often. Shadow couldn't tell if it was because spring was nearby or if it was a side effect of the serum. Sonic seemed to be just fine. Any test Tails took came out clean, and Sonic didn't appear sick.

"This whole thing is confusing," Talis had his head in his hands.

"That's saying something coming from you," Silver sighed.

Sonic was outside laying in the grass. The air cold, but not freezing. Shadow watched him from the kitchen window.

"Mr. Shadow," Cream handed him a blue flower, "Mr. Sonic looks really happy with you. I know he'll talk for you soon."

"Thank you Cream," Shadow smile and returned to watching Sonic who was now on his stomach, looking a bit frustrated.

"Sh..." He was trying to say Shadow name again, his voice a bit more feminine from before, "sh...sh," why is this suddenly the most difficult thing in the world? Sonic let his head fall into the flowers in front of him.

"What's got you upset?" Rouge crotched down in front of Sonic.

Sonic pointed to his mouth.

"No luck talking normally huh?" She sat down and handed Sonic the whiteboard and marker she got him.

He just put it down next to him. He never liked using it.

"It's strange for Eggman not to attack for so long. He's up to something, I'm sure of it," Rouge looked down at Sonic who looked a little peeved, "I'm sure you'll be talking again soon."

"Sh......a," hey I got closer! Sonic cheered up instantly.

"That was pretty good big blue," Rouge smiled, honestly they treat me like a toddler sometimes, Sonic thought sitting up, "I'll go tell the other how you're doing."

Rouge left Sonic there as he continued trying to say that one word. Sonic hadn't realized an hour had passed, Shadow, on the other hand, thought it was time to bring him inside. He started walking up to his lover quietly. Only to hear Sonic's quiet voice.

"Sh-sh...a~dow," he finally manage to say, letting himself fall back with a huge smile, "Sh-a~dow!"

"Lapis..." Shadow caught Sonic's attention.

Sonic gave him a huge smile, "Sh-a~dow," he said.

"Come here you," Shadow purred holding Sonic tight, "it's good to hear your voice again," Shadow voice was slightly shaky. Sonic placed his hand on Shadow's cheek.

"Sh-a~dow," I love you, Sonic pressed his forehead against Shadow's. Determined to learn to say his next words, I'll tell you. That's a promise.

"Let's get you something to eat," Shadow responded to Sonic's growling stomach.

--- Eggman's Lair ---

"Sonic seems to be doing just fine. My spy bots have even picked up him smiling," Eggman grunted, "You said doing this would put him out of commission.

"Oh it will," a familiar green hedgehog with cold icy eyes replied, "there's really just one thing that has to be done. I'll gladly do it," Scourge smirked, "it'll keep him defenseless for 9 months, then in recovery for 4 more. After that, he'll be to busy over the next three to six years to stop you."

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