Ep 14

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(PoV: Sonic)

  I couldn't help but nezzel into Shadows fluffy chest first thing in the morning. I wasn't even out of bed yet.

"Morning lapis," he was awake and looked up at those ruby eyes.

"You were pretending to sleep again," I whined, he likes catching me in the morning.

"Can't help it, seeing you all cuddly is the only thing I want to see when I wake up," he rubbed the inside on my ear with his thumb. That always felt good, but it also made my ears twitch, "How're you feeling?"

"I'm not that sore anymore. I think I can walk around on my own today," I stretched.

  I wanted to go out, but I would have to hide if I did.

"What are you thinking about?" Shadow brushed his soft hands against my cheek.

"I-I think, I wanna try going out as myself. But only a little, maybe... j-just the headband," I look as the green grass then at Shadow.

"I'll be sure to stay nearby," he kissed my ear, making it flicker and myself giggle, "ticklish are we."

"No," I backed away," Nonono, Shadow no!" He started tickling my sides, "hahaha! S-hadow! Ahaha!"

"You can't escape the ultimate life form!" He pulled me closer and kept tickling me until Tails told us we were being too loud.

  Shadow quickly Chaos controlled away and back with my headband. He also had a red rose in his hand.

"You didn't have to pick that for me," I took the rose and he placed the headband on me.

"I had too," Shaodw was hugging me really tight, "because I didn't know how else to tell you... I love you," he whispered that last part making burst into tears of happiness, "Oh crap! No d-don't cry."

"Sh-Shadow," I spoke through my tears, "I-I love you too," I whined. Shadow you'll be the only one to see me so happy I cry, I thought hugging him tighter, I would never cry otherwise, "D-don't tell anyone I'm... crying okay."

"Just how many secrets do you have hedgehog," Shadow wiped my tears.

"Just a few," I smiled, finally stopping the tears.

(Pov: 3rd Person)

  Shadow carried Sonic down the stairs, dispite him being able to walk now, and sat him on the sofa. Tails just watched the two, noticing the headband and rose.

"What's with the headband?" Tails asked as Shadow left to the kitchen.

"Just a gift, one I really like," Sonic hand one hand on the side of the headband and smiled, a new more innocent smile Tails had only seen once.

"You seem a lot happier that before, I guess not having to hide from everyone feels nice," Tails said, "You pick flowers already?"

"It is nice," Sonic held the rose closer and sniffed it, "and Shadow gave this to me."

"Aww sweet," Tails just smiled, "I didn't know Shadow had such a soft side. I mean I figure he could be nicer, but not like this."

"Believe me, he had a really nice side to him," Sonic laid back holding the rose.

--- Later: In town ---

  Amy was clinging onto Sonic, like he was her life line. That wasn't unusual, but it was definetly annoy the blue and ebony hedgehogs. Sonic wasn't getting anywhere with getting her off his arm. Tails and Rouge took their glances at a pissed dark hedgehog.

"Shadow is totally going to kill Amy," Tails whispered, "Don't you think Rouge?"

"You know?" Rouge asked quietly.

"Sonic and Shadow told me last night," he replied softly.

"Nice, I finally have someone to talk to about this. Knuckles just thinks he sick to throw Amy off," Rouge point to a slightly worried Knuckles.

"Good plan," Tails remarked.

  They chatted for a while, Sonic's slightly different actions did seem to be confusing to the others.

"I'm gonna go for a walk around town," Sonic got up while Amy was away getting a snack.

"Dude you never wanna walk anywhere," Knuckles got up and felt Sonic's forehead, "Tails you sire he's okay?"

"Yeah guys, Sonic's just fine," Tails watched his best friend pat Knuckles on the back and take off.

  Shadow soon followed in secret. The only once noticing, Rouge and Tails. They met up in the woods and Sonic wrapped his arms around Shadow.

"That was kinda fun," Sonic admitted.

"Nice to know, soon you'll get to just be with me," Shadow picked him up and twirled Sonic around.

  Sonic giggled before they returned to their embrace with a passionate kiss.

A hidden figure smiled as they watched the two in secret, "So Sonic belongs to that dark hedgehog now? Well blue that makes you peak my interest."



Muwahahah! Cliffhanger. Who's watching them? What will happen next time?

(Fuck I sound like a cartoon narrator to mermaidman and barnacle boy 😆)

Anyway I want you guy's info and ideas. See ya next time. Chownow 😉

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