Ep 15

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(PoV: Shadow)

"I love these fingers," I said as I help Sonic's hand in my own.

"I loved these hands," Sonic placed another hand over mine.

  It made me laugh a bit, how I could hold both his hands in both of mine. I bit the tip of his ear as we laid in his bed. I took a glance at the dresser but quickly went back to loving my little Lapis.

"Are you curious?" Sonic interrupted me.

"About what?" I licked the back of his ear.

"My suvinears in my dresser," he asked giggling, "they're all just from different battles. Nothing special."

"You want to tell me of them?"

"No, not really. I just want to stay here," he moved closer to me.

"Okay then," I wasn't completely satisfied with that answer, but I knew I would have to wait for him.

--- Lunch at Angel Island ---

(PoV: 3rd Person)

"So you're going to build a giant speedometer?" Amy asked sitting next to Sonic.

"Well sorta, I wanna see exactly how fast Sonic can go," Tails said picking up his new invention, "What do you think Sonic?"

"I think you shouldn't be standing by that thing if you're gonna try and track my speed," Sonic said jumping and laying in the tree above them.

  Shadow soon joined him, while cream and cheese played in the water. Amy continued talking with Vanilla and Tails was working. Rouge sat next to the master emerald with knuckles between them.

(PoV: Sonic)

  Everyone seems fine by themselves, I thought, watching them smile and just be happy, but now I'm happy too, I glanced at Shadow who had his eyes closed. I should at least tell Shadow I'll be gone tomorrow, I sighed and jumped down to walk through a flower field. I picked a few little flowers and ran back.

"Shadow," I woke him up and jumped into his branch, "I brought you these."

"Sonic? They might see," Shadow knew I didn't want Any to find out, but I didn't care right now.

"I'm sure, it's for a very short goodbye," I sighed, "I'll be gone tomorrow,

"How come?" He took the flowers and my hand.

"I need to visit some people who were very, very dear to me. But I'll be back by nightfall. I'll be sure to run at my top speed so it'll only be a few minutes," I explained.

"Alright, be careful then," Shadow didn't look like he wanted me to go.

"I know, I'll have Tails make you a communicator so I can tell you if something happens, unless..."


"Unless... y-you wanna come with m-me?"

"I'd be happy to go with you," Shadow gave me a peck on my cheek.

  I was glad he'd come with me.

--- Next Day ---

(PoV: Still Sonic)

"You have to promise not to tell," I said as I packed up. I put on a nice light purple sweater and my usual headband. Shadow put a red rose on it, "Th-thank you."

"You look beautiful," he made my cheeks get hot.

"Thank you," I looked away, "Y-you look h-handsome, a-as always."

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