Ep 45

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(PoV: Shadow)

"Aaa!" Sonic started screaming, his contractions were getting worse. He left bruises on both my hands from holding them, "... ooh... okay," it ended and he was taking deep breaths.

"We're almost there's okay," I gave him a sip of the cold water the nurse was constantly refilling.

"Shadow..." He panted.

"Yeah," I held his other hand.

"My water broke," he said. I felt panic, this was really happening, "... call the nurse... please.."

"Yes, right away," I grabbed the call button and it slipped out of my hand.

Rouge picked it up, "I've got this. Just deal with him."

"Okay," I went back to holding Sonic.

The other came here a while ago. Tails, Cream and Cheese stayed back with Knuckles and Amy. The only ones here were Vanilla, Rouge, Blaze, Chuck, and Silver.

"Okay, can we only have the father of the child around the bed please," the nurse said.

"Yes of course," they all stepped back.

"Okay Sonic, you're fully dilated. Time to push," Rebecca pulled out a table of tools and lowered the second half of the bed, "Alex be sure you get the time of birth down."

"Yes ma'am," A second nurse answered.

Once the gloves were on Rebecca had a third nurse hold Sonic's left hand while I held his right. Sonic's grip somehow became stinger as he started pushing. He gritted his teeth and screamed for each one.

"Almost done Sonic, almost done," Rebecca said, "one more big push. Just the shoulders."

I wouldn't be surprised if Sonic fractured my hand, but I didn't care.

(PoV: Sonic)

It hurt so much, each push felt think the hardest thing in the world. I fell back after the last one. I was done, I wanted to be numb to the pain.

"Aaa~aaa!" That sound made me burst into tears.

"There you are, a sweet little baby boy," I was handed, my little boy.

"Oh.. hi," I cried as I held him, "hello..." He blinked from the bright lights, "I know, the lights are bright."

"He's perfect," Shadow purred hugging us both.

"Alright Sonic, you may feel a little discomfort," Rebecca said and pushed on my stomach, I gripped the bed from the pain when she did that, "Alright, single birth."

"Time of birth; 4:27 am," Alex wrote it down, "who'd like to cut the cord?"

"Shadow will," I answered, as Rebecca handed him the scissors.

"I need you to cut right here," Rebecca held up the spongy blue cord the used to feed my baby.

"Alrighty," Shadow had the funniest look, he had never done this before. That was clear. He cut it and came back to us, "did that hurt at all?"

"Didn't feel a thing," I answer while counting all my baby's fingers.

I ignored the nursed medical talk; my little boy was the only thing I wanted to give my attention to. They took him from my arms.

"Waitwaitwait. No, where's he going?" I wanted him back in my arms.

"It's okay, it's okay. They're just weighing him and measuring him. See," Shadow held me and rubbed my hand.

"Five ounces, healthy for a hedgehog," Rebecca handed him back to me, "have some skin to skin."

"Sonic you're shaking," Vanilla pulled the blanket up over us.

"Okay, I'm just going to do a little work down here," Rebecca took her seat below me.

I ignore the little pain she gave me while finishing up. I couldn't focus on anything other than Shadow and our baby. Our baby who needs a name.

"Ambrose," Shadow said.

"What?" I felt my heart melt to that name.

"Our little Ambrose," he purred.

"...Ambrose," I was crying again, "Oh I love it."

"It's a beautiful name," Vanilla smiled.

"Sonic, Shadow," Rebecca called, "would you like to keep the placenta?"

"The what?" Shadow asked.

"My womb Shadow," I laughed, "that carried Ambrose for over nine months. And yes I'd like to keep it."

"Some other tradition you'd like to do?" Shadow asked.

"Burry it under a rose bush," I said, "Just something else you're supposed to do."

"I love you both," Shadow kissed me.

"Sonic, you've got two stitches so be careful over the next forty days," Rebecca started changing the sheets and cleaned up, "you two get some rest. I'll bring out the birth certificate when you wake."

"He's adorable," Rouge waved at Ambrose, "hello cutie."

"Shadow, sit up for a moment," I said.

"Something wrong?" He sat up.

"You always ask that. Here, hold your son," I bundled Ambrose and placed him in Shadow's arms.

"..." He just looked at him, "He doesn't have an eye color. They're just grey."

"That'll come in soon," Vanilla explained, "it takes a month or two for the color to come in completely."

"Not so," Chuck stated, "the color in Sonic's eyes didn't start coming in until he was around twelve."

"Well, we'll see when the time comes," I laid back and felt exhaustion take over me.

There was a glass box next to me, blankets and cushions to lay the baby in. Ambrose was passed around to everyone, then back to me. I laid her next to myself and let us both drift off to sleep.

(PoV: 3rd Person)

Sonic fell asleep with the baby and Shadow lifted the lever on the chair that made it a spare bed. Chuck kiss his nephew's forehead before leaving with the others. Shadow laid in bed and watched as his family slept quietly through the night. Ambrose only woke a few times so Sonic could try feeding him before falling back to sleep.

A family, Shadow thought as he drifted off. His hand only having a very minor fracture that would quickly heal for him.

"You've only given me the greatest gifts in the world, my precious Sapphire," He kissed Sonic's cheek before laying back down, "I would rather die than give either of you up."


I fucking love this book.

Thanks once more for all the support you guys (I will probably thank you again)

Please, comment your opinions. I love the comments you guys leave, their adorable and hilarious.

Don't forget you can request me to draw a pic from the book for you.

See ya next time ~ 😙


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