Ep 43

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  Quick Message everyone. Please check my conversations board and vote for which story you would like me to post next. Votes for the stories will close tomorrow at noon.

(Pov: Sonic)

  I lifted my sweater and looked in the mirror.

"You're growing so well," Shadow hugged me from behind and rubbed my belly, "I love you both."

"We love you too," he was about to kiss me and I stopped him, "Eww no you just morning sickness."

"Why do I have it?" He asked.

"Umm because you're the dad," I said, "it's normal. Sometimes the dad's just get morning sickness instead of the mom. It's just a phase, you'll get over it."

"Whatever you say, my love," he kissed my cheek.

"Ew puke kiss," I whined and wiped my cheek, "Go brush your teeth."

"As you command my little Lapis," he bowed and walked back into the bathroom.

  I rubbed my belly, the baby was really starting to grow now. I walked downstairs and Tails was already up. He has been staying over a lot since the news. I walked into the kitchen, cold air starting to stir this season. Fall was one of my favorite seasons, everything looked so pretty.

"Sonic, are you hungry?" Tails asked.

"Not yet, just waking up," I answered.

"The baby's gotten big," Tails placed a hand on my stomach, "did you have a dream about the gender yet?"

"I did, but it wouldn't let me see. Shadow was washing her, or him, and there was a cloud in the way. I can't tell what you are little one," I patted my belly, they were just growing now.

"Can I listen to the heartbeat when you get your checkup?" He asked.

  I nodded and started drinking water. I hated that I needed my bladder full for the ultrasounds. Shadow came down and walked us to the appointment.


"Okay, I see we have a guest with us this month," the nurse said noticing Tails, "lay down for me Sonic."

"So can we see the gender yet?" Tails asked.

"Next month we might see, it depends on the position of the baby," the nurse said.

"Sonic, you alright?" Shadow held my hand.

"Yeah," I gave him a little squeeze as the camera was placed on my stomach.

"Okay," she turned up the speaker. A steady beat came from it, "That's you're heartbeat..." she moved it around. A faster lighter beat came on, but it was really strange sounding to me, "this may be a little difficult to angle but..." the beat cleared up, "there's the baby."

"Shadow, you made that," I nuzzled his hand.

"That's your work silly," he nuzzled my cheek, "I just gave you the ingredients."

"Alright you two, I'll just finish up and you can go. The images with be mailed to you," the nurse turned everything off and left.

--- Month 3 ---

  Tails was working on another invention in out livingroom while Shadow was helping me clean. I yawned as I washed the last few dishes.

"Sapphire," Shadow took the cup from my hand, "go nap. I'll take care of this."

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