Ep 32

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(PoV: Shadow)

  I didn't feel the warmth of my little Lapis as I was waking up that morning. I shot up and looked around the bedroom. I ran down the stairs, he was nowhere to be seen. Rouge still asleep on the couch. I pulled the blanket off her, waking her up.

"Damn it Shadow what's the deal?!" Rouge growled. She stopped herself, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yell. Is Sonic still sleep?"

"He's gone," I clenched my fist, "I can't find him."

"I'll get the group to start searching," Rouge started typing something into her communicator before telling everyone to start looking for Sonic.

  I double checked the house, even the spot above the fridge he hid in sometimes when we played. He had left his headband and all his sweaters. He almost never left with put wearing one now, I knew something was wrong. I skated outside, he wasn't in the backyard. He wasn't in town, in the wood, on the beach. I didn't want it to be true, but I left to Eggman's base. I walked up, most of it in ruins.

"What happened here?" Rouge looked at the damage, "Claw marks? Explosion residue, those are spin attack marks," he pointed out the dents and retracted on the metal of a broken robot, "Sonic must have done this."

"Lapis... where are you?" I picked up a torn piece of a white cloth.

"Shadow! Thank goodness you're here, please help me. Sonic has gone completely mad. Her worse than with the Metarex!"

"What?" I felt an emance power coming from the base. Another explosion and metal sonic flew out and collapsed, "Sonic!"

  A dark hedgehog appeared in front on me in less than a second. That dark aura. Black fur that was darker than my own. Those white eyes that were filled with depression and sorrow. I knew those bright red shoes, with those gold buckles. It didn't say anything, instead, tears started running down his cheeks. I stepped forwards and it hugged me.

"You should be taking better care of him," it said before it's fur changed back to the sapphire color I knew and loved.

  Tears streaming down that peach mussel. Bags under his eyes as those emerald eyes opened, showing me they had lost their spark. I kissed him and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Sapphire... let's go home," I picked him up. I noticed he was only wearing the sock with my symbol on them, "you look very cute."

"Sha-dow," his voice cracked and breath hitched, "He took, over. I-I didn't..." He burst into tears unable to speak.

"I know, that's not the real you. I've got ya," I held him close and held the red amulate around his neck.

"Mind if I take that off your hands?" Eggman asked recognizing the Chaos Emerald.

"You can eat shit," I growled, "Chaos Control!"

  We were back at home with Sonic helplessly crying into my chest. He said before it was dangerous for him to cry, now I knew why. That dark side would take advantage of his state of mind. I looked at the fridge, Peanut rested there. I gave in and quietly cried with him. Ignoring the calls from a pissed bat because I left her behind. I just need Sonic with me at this moment in time. I wanted him with me forever. I loved him, more than I thought I could ever love anyone.

--- Hours Later ---

  Sonic carefully held the box in his hands as we walked out in the backyard. We picked out a cherry blossom tree for Peanut. I help dig the hole and Sonic place the seeds with Peanut inside. He carefully placed the fertilized dirt over it and patted it down. I watered the fresh patch of dirt and sat back as Sonic curled up next to him.

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