Ep 44

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(PoV: Sonic)

--- Month 6 ---

"He's so big now," I said as I got out of the shower, "I don't think I can bend over anymore."

"That's what I'm here for," Shadow purred as he dried me off, "you're still beautiful."

"He's kicking," I smiled as our son kicked Shadow's hand, "you kicking your Papa?" He kicked a few more times, "yeah."

"He's very active," Shadow patted my stomach and our son kicked him, "hey."

"He knows your voice," I smiled.

"Yes he does," Shadow kissed my belly.

--- Month 8 ---

This was starting to get less and less comfortable. The third trimester. My back arched, I felt tired all the time and was really just done with this pregnancy. It was hot and I couldn't do anything.

"Sonic, how are you feeling?" Rouge handed me a chilled towel.

"I'm done waiting. One more month, that's all I'm doing," I felt hot and sticky as she placed the towel on my forehead, "that feels amazing."

"I'm sorry honey," Rouge helped me cool down, "I know this isn't the best time to be pregnant."

"He's sapped all my energy," I sighed, but the smell of something amazing caught my attention from this hot beach we were all relaxing on, "what is that?"

"What is what?" Rouge asked.

"That smell is amazing," I wanted it, whatever it was made me hungry for it.

"Let's go look," she helped me up and we walked along the beach.

We found a barbeque nearby, little kids everywhere. One of the Linc looked our way and ran to us.

"Oh my, Sonic you look like you're doing well. Are you hungry, let me feed you please," she started a plate of food.

"You're so nice," I cried, this woman was just feeding me out of nowhere, "Rouge I love her."

"Just go eat already," She helped me sit and was given a huge plate of food.

"What brings you out here?" The Linc asked.

"A baby shower for brother here," I adjusted the loose shirt I was wearing, "Baby presents and cake. The usual."

"Aww when is the baby due?" She asked.

"Next month," I answered taking a bite of the roasted pepper, "soo~ good~"

"I'm glad you like it. Taste the grilled tofu, you'll like it," she held it up on a fork for me. I was never a fan before but it tasted great now, "told you."

"Sonic, where are?" My communicator went off. It was Shadow.

"Down the beach, there's an amazing barbeque down here," I answered.

"Don't worry Shadow, I'm with him," Rouge took the call on her own communicator so I could eat.

The others joined us with the Linc family. Once we were all home, I folded all the clothes for the baby and put them away in the little dresser. Only one month left until we meet him.

--- Month 9 ---

(PoV: 3rd Person)

Shadow watched his sapphire lover lay on the sofa. Sonic was in no way comfortable. If he got up he'd have to pee, but the baby was laying in a very uncomfortable position.

"Oh Sonic," Amy rubbed his knee, "at least he's due today. Now we just have to wait for the contractions to start."

"Well, the book says spicy foods can help. Water, and a few other foods. I'll get you chillydogs tonight," Shadow patted Sonic's hand.

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