Ep 17

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(PoV: Sonic)

  My head had a slight pounding as I woke up. My cheek really stung and a bit of my eye hurt too. I saw Shadow holding my hand, did he fall asleep here? I recognized Tails's living room. It looked like it was late at night. I sat up and started moving Shadow so he was laying down, why are you heavier than you look?! I must have woke him up because he moved on his own and pulled me on top of him.

"Sh-Shadow? I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to wake you," I said. He hugged me, I felt his body shaking and his heartbeat race. I felt him hold me tight, like I would disappear if he didn't hold me tight, "Shadow~ it's okay, I'm right here."

"You scared me to death," he felt something warm drip onto my fur.

"I'm not going anywhere," I kissed his cheek and held him back. It felt so warm to be in his embrace, "how are your injuries. You're not seriously wounded are you?"

"No, just a few scratches," he picked me up, "Let's go to bed, I don't want you straining yourself."

  I nodded and he carried me to the guest bedroom. He laid me down near the wall, and he took the edge side. I curled up next to him, and he turned so he was holding me.

--- Morning ---

(PoV: 3rd Person)

  The sunlight beamed in, but the two hedgehogs ignored it and continue their quiet sleep.

  Downstairs Tails read a note that said the two hedgies where asleep in the guest room. Shadow had written it in case Sonic woke up in the middle of the night. The others were gathering downstairs, Cream and Cheese where talking with Amy. Knuckles was being pestered by Rouge and Silver came over with Blaze for the first time in a while.

"Hey, where's Shadow? Isn't he normally with you Rouge?" Silver asked.

"He's busy right now," busy snuggling that is, Rouge laughed at her thought.

"Oh, and Sonic. Tails, you said he was hurt, is he okay now?" Silver asked remembering Amy's freak out from last night.

"Sonic's resting right now, you should just let him sleep," Tails replied.

"Maybe I can nurse him back to health. I could change his blanket, and feed him soup. I really should check on him," Amy started heading towards the stairs.

"Amy, you don't wanna wake him do you?" Rouge dropped down in front of her, blocking Amy's path, "he needs his rest."

"I know, but just for a quick second," she pushed Rouge aside.

"Look you really should just let him sleep," Rouge got much more stern, kid's already hurt. The planet doesn't need him to be killed by a mad hammer-wielding hedgehog, "if you interrupt his rest it could make it harder for him to get better."

"Rouge I'm going to check on him," Amy pulled out her hammer, "Now get out of my way."

"Silver grab her!" Rouge shouted startling the silver hedgehog.

"Okay okay!" He caught Amy with his psychokinesis.

"Put me down! I have to check on my Sonic," Amy's noise woke both Shadow and Sonic.

"Well I'm up now," Sonic sat up and stretched.

"Annoying brat," Shadow watched Sonic rub his left eye, "Come here Little Lapis."

"Shadow," Sonic giggled as Shadow kissed his ear down to his neck, "mhaha, come on let me at least change into a less obvious outfit."

"I hate seeing you force yourself to act that way, why don't you wear the red sweater at least," he pulled out the battered Rose from Sonic's headband.

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