Ep 42

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--- Two Weeks Later ---

(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Sonic was in the bathroom. Shadow figured he was just using the toilet, but he was half right. Shadow continued making lunch for Sonic.

"Hey Shadow," Tails came in with the group, "where's Sonic?"

"Bathroom, he said he had to check something," Shadow answered.

"How long has he been on there?" Sally asked.

"A while now," Shadow was about to turn off the stove when Sonic burst out and hugged him, "Hey what's going with you?"

"Shadow look. Looklooklooklooklook!" Sonic was hugely excited to show Shadow the white stick with the words 'pregnant' on the screen.

"Oh crap! Is this? Are you really?" Shadow took the test, his eyes switching back and forth from Sonic and the positive test.

"Yeah, you did it!" Sonic wrapped his arms and legs around Shadow as he was picked up.

"That was the easy part, now comes the nine months of dealing with your two," Shadow carried Sonic to the recliner and went to wash his hands when he realized what side of the test he was holding.

"Hey, Sonic how'd he do it?" Silver whispered.

"He did everything," Sonic whispered back.

"Everything?" Silver glanced at a very happy Shadow.

"Everything," Sonic smile.

"What are those two whispering about?" Sally asked Blaze.

"Probably how Shadow did Sonic," Blaze said loud enough for Shadow to hear.

"If we're sharing that, shall I give all the details?" Shadow pulled Sonic onto his lap and handed Sonic a bowl of stew, "the red ribbon he was wrapped in and every moan he shouted."

"Nonononono! I'm okay, I don't need to hear it," Tails covered his ears.

"I think I'll take the kids out for this conversation," Chuck quickly got Tails, Cream and Cheese to leave with him.

  Knuckles left on his own accord with Antoine and Roter. All that was left were the girls and Silver. It was one thing for Sonic to speak privately with Silver. But now Shadow held him to completely embarrass him as he was telling them what happened.

--- 3 days later ---

PoV: Sonic

  Shadow kissed me as a little wake-up call. I couldn't believe the girls knew what happened now.

"How's my little Shappire feeling?" Shadow asked.

"Still mad at you," I turned my head away.

  What he did was so embarrassing. I've been giving him no affection since, just to teach him a lesson.

"Oh come on, I said sorry," he started kissing my neck, I didn't give him anything, "please forgive me."

"Nope," I crossed my arms.

"Please," he moved my red sweater and kissed my belly, "I want to love you two with your love in return."

"No Shadow," no he's begging, I sat up and he kissed me, "mmh~"

  Damn it, you just had to be an amazing kisser, I let him push me back down. He was making me forget why I was mad.

"Please," he said kissing me between each word, "I promise... I won't... do it... again."

"Mhm~hmhm," I broke the last kiss, "okay, okay. I forgive you. Just never do it again."

"I promise," he sealed it with a kiss and I got up.

  Shadow had been even more protective of me now. He didn't want the same thing to happen again. I couldn't use the bathroom without him knowing. I didn't mind so much, at least he still let me do things on my own. He just wanted to keep an eye on us to be sure I was safe. So long as it didn't get out of hand, I was perfectly fine with it.

--- One Month Later ---

(PoV: Shadow)

  Sonic woke up with morning sickness. I hated seeing him puke like that, he never wanted to eat after. His cravings were much more frequent now. He was a lot moodier as well.

"Okay, this baby does not like midnight snacks," he said.

"Noted, are you sure you're alright?" I helped him up and walked him back to the bed, "let me get you a ginger ale."

"I'm okay, Shadow," he gave me that same cheery smile, "I'll just eat a bit later."

"Don't forget to eat again okay," I hugged him, "I need you both to be strong. Are you craving anything?"

"Not right now, maybe later," he closed his eyes and rested on me.

  I laid him back down and covered him with a blanket. For now, my goal was to make it through these nine months with both of them strong and healthy.

--- Month 2 ---

(PoV: Tails)

  Sonic's stomach was hard now if you gave it a gentle push.

"It's hard to believe you're growing a hedgehog in here," I said. Sonic was laying back with the sweater off so I could feel his stomach, "what do you think she'll look like?"

"Don't know, could take after Shadow or me," Sonic shrugged.

"So Shadow's technically the father... does that make you the mother?" I asked, "it makes sense."

"I suppose. How do you feel about have a little someone joining us soon?" He asked.

"Like a little brother or sister? I'm excited, but a little nervous. I've never dealt with this sorta thing before," I looked down at his stomach, you couldn't tell yet that he was pregnant.

"Um... could I?" Amy asked holding her hand down. Sonic nodded and Shadow glared at her, "I hope it's a girl."

"If it is I'm not letting you torture my daughter with shopping trips," Sonic was clearly annoyed with that thought.

"What no fair," Amy whined.

  I laid down next to Sonic, he sort of turned into more of a mom now. I couldn't really see him as my big brother anymore since he started dating Shadow. At least Amy had moved on, she was just a friend now. I rubbed Sonic's belly a bit, he started running his hands through my fur. Even when they moved here, there was a guest bedroom Sonic had set up for me. He said I could stay over any time whenever I wanted. He really was a mom now. Now I was getting a baby brother or sister. It was so exciting, I hoped to meet them soon.


  Tails is so fucking adorable! I had to add that in.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments.

  Bye bye~ 😄

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