Ep 38

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(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Metal Sonic was causing havoc. His target was hiding with Silver somewhere in the house, but Shadow wasn't letting him anywhere near it. The rest of the group fought off the dozens of other robots Eggman sent. Shadow had taken only some damage from metal. The other robots were easy to fight off in the begin, but more just kept coming.

"He's attacking our Shadow! Why aren't you fighting!" Dark was shouting at Sonic for hiding.

"Silver let me fight, please!" Sonic begged, not realizing his voice came back.

"I can't, Shadow doesn't want you hurt," Silver kept Sonic pinned, also not noticing the return of Sonic's voice.

"Silver please, I can't stand this anymore. Let me help," Sonic pinned his ears back and looked up at Silver. His eyes begging Silver to let him go, tears stinging the corners of his eyes, "pwease."

"Oh no Sonic, not the puppy dog eyes. I'm doing this for your own good," Silver looked away.

"Please Silver... Let me go," Sonic pouted with his hand curled up over his mouth.

"No, nonono..." Silver looked back and sighed, "Damn it... go, go fight so Shadow can kill me for letting you go," Silver release the aqua aura from around Sonic.

"Thanks!" Sonic got up running, bullion off the poncho to keep it dosage in the house, "I promise not to let Shadow kill you."

"If you can talk to him before he finds me," Silver rubbed his eyes and chased after Sonic, "Hold on I'll help you!"

"Finally you're fighting! Let me out, I plan on kicking some ass!" Dark said attempting to surround Sonic with his dark aura.

  Not now. I need to fight off Metal first, Sonic replied spindashing Metal away from Shadow.

"Sonic get back in the house!" Shadow ordered.

"Let me handle this Shadow," Sonic place a hand out as if to protect Shadow from Metal, Dark you can help but DO NOT come out.

"With pleasure," Dark surround Sonic with his aura, "you know you won't completely be yourself."

I know, Sonic closed his eyes as to sense what power he was being given, "Let's do this."

  With that last line, the battle really started. Sonic never stopped attack Metal, just as Metal never stopped attacking Sonic. The only difference was the amount of power Sonic held, metal had never picked Dark up on his scanners. Sonic's mind never showed any signs of Dark existing. Sally just watched the battle, worry in her eyes.

"Come on Sonic, don't let him take you," Sally pleaded to no one but herself.

"It's like with Scourge. Sonic threatened him with that same aura," Silver said throwing a robot into another, blowing both up to nothing but scorched metal, "I don't know what it is."

"Dark," Sally explained, "Sonic's always had it, I don't know why... nor do we know what it is."

"What's wrong Metal? Never seen a bit of power before?" Sonic mocked his opponent, striking him down.

  Metal laid down completely deactivated, the aura around Sonic dissipated. His fur refining to its original shining blue.

"Oh, we won," Sonic blinked as he looked at the inactive robot under him, "hey I can talk again!"

"Sonic are you... feeling alright?" Tails asked feeling Sonic's forehead.

"Yeah, I feel fine. Well maybe just a little tired," Sonic smiled, his white teeth clearly stating he felt just fine, "Shadow!" He stood up, no longer straddling his lifeless duplicate and hugged a conceded Shadow, "I'm glad you're safe. How are your injuries?"

"I'm fine, you should have run out Sonic- you've got a burn," Shadow stopped midsentence taking notice of the burn on of Metal's attacks left on Sonic's side, "does it hurt?" The word burn made Sonic shutter a bit, "Sonic?"

"Huh? Oh no... not really. It'll heal," Sonic spoke a lot softer now, he was remembering his parents and the fire.

(PoV: Shadow)

  Sonic's eyes didn't say the same things that came from his voice. I knew he was remembering his parents, that burn just reminded him.

"Lapis... it's okay," I pulled him down onto the flowers with me, "I've got you. Nothing can hurt you."

"I know," his voice became horse, he was fighting tears.

(PoV: 3rd Person)

"He's going to make you forget about me," Dark whispered in Sonic's mind, "You can cry. I've had my fun for today. I won't take you over."

  With that Sonic burst into tears, holding Shadow tight. Finally crying for his parents after so long.

(PoV: Shadow)

"Oh Soni," Chuck walked over to us, "not even I have gotten him to cry like this. He must trust you Shadow."

"I'm glad he does," I held him tight, not caring how wet my fur was becoming.

  Sonic refused to cry when we saw the grave, he didn't cry after peanut. Now... I think he was crying for everything.

"Sonic, can that other version of you hear me?" I asked.

  Sonic nodded.

"Good, because I want him to listen up. I'm not spending my days with someone who going to constantly take over my boyfriend," I started, "So leave my Little Lapis alone. No more takeovers unless it is absolutely necessary."

  Sonic started giggling through his tears.

"What. What's with the laughing?" I asked.

"He's laughing," Sonic giggled, "b-but he says okay."

"Good," I looked into those glistening green eyes of his.

  I couldn't help but nussle him, he nusseled me right back.

(PoV:3rd Person)

"I've never seen Sonic cry before," Tails said watching the scene in front of him, "it's weird, I don't know how to make him feel better."

"I'm not really sure what to do either," Amy sighed, "but... Shadow does..."

"I thought you were over Sonic?" Rouge asked.

"It's not so easy, he just too Sonic. It's going to take a long time to get over someone like him," Amy hated the scene that was happening right I  front of her. Shadow cradling Sonic that way, "but he's happy now, I think."

"He is Sugar," Bunny sighed heartfully and the loving hedgehog in front of her, "Oh Sally might be as jealous as you are."

"Let take this inside," Shadow whispered picked up Sonic and carrying him into their house, "if you plan to stay the night, I suggest anywhere but here," Shadow smirked and shut the door.


Aww Sonic saved Shadow, and somehow Dark obeyed Shadow. Wonder why? He's left some clues.

Wonder what kind of test Chuck will put Shadow through? Guess we'll have to find out.

Bye bye~ 😘

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