Ep 36

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(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Shadow let out a sigh of relief when Sonic finally fell asleep. All he wanted was for his little Lapis to rest after being taken, again. Scourge has an obsession with Sonic. Why? If he says he loves him I'm going to puke, Shadow thought as he began making a meal for his sapphire lover. A light stir-fry meal would do for now.

"Sonic wasn't kidding when he said you were a great cook Shadz," Silver leaned on the counter as he tasted a bit, "He's lucky to have you."

"Of course, and I wouldn't let him go so easily either," Shadow replied filling a small plate for Sonic.

"Mind if I eat the leftovers?" Silver asked.

"Go ahead," Shadow said before walking back up the steps.

  It would be a while before he came back down. Silver started right away on the leftovers. Tails was still working away on his computer, finding nothing on Uncle Chuck.

--- Elsewhere ---

"Charles, we're back. How's the derobotizizer looking?" A chipmunk with crystal clear blue eyes asked.

"Princess Sally, well I'm afraid I still haven't worked out all the kinks," a pale hedgehog answer, fixing the small bushy mustache he had, "tell me Sally... what date is it?"

"Charles you ask that every day," Sally said helping him out if the pile of machinery.

"And for a good reason," Chuck replied, "has Sonic turned seventeen yet?"

"No, Charles... and he's gone remember. He's off, still fighting Eggman for us," Sally answered.

"Oh Sally dear don't kid yourself. We all miss that sugarhog. He may have been a littl' rude at times, but he was still ever so sweet," a bunny with robotizied legs and left arm interrupted, "Even if you broke up with Sugarhog, we all know you still miss em'."

"I know, I know... I just can't," Sally said, "besides he's probably with Amy now. The girl most likely forced him to love her."

"Word has it Sonic hasn't been around Amy much these past months," a small machine on Sally's boot spoke.

"Nicole, you didn't have to research that," Sally picked it up and opened it to see a screen and typing keys.

"No, this is perfect Sally dear. Chuck, what do you say we go visit?" The bunny asked.

"That's a perfect idea Bunny. I need to check up on him anyways, and you two get to say hi," Chuck replied, "let's go."

"Let's bring Antoine and Rooter along. They'll be so excited to see him," Bunny exclaimed, "Antoine! Rooter!" She called tuning back to get them.

"Sally," Chuck patted her back hearing her sigh, "I'm sure if you two talk it out you'll be fine. Sonic should be developing a few new things by now."

"What?" Sally looked up at the robotized hedgehog next to her.

"You'll see when we get there," Chuck chuckled.

  --- At SonicxShadow's House ---

  Noon came around and Sonic was wide awake, wanting to go on a run so desperately. Sonic waited outside on their porch. Impatiently waiting for Shadow to hurry up.

"Sh-a~dow!" Sonic called, "... urry!"

  He walked out, skates polished and fur freshly brushed. Sonic was bouncing around in his favorite poncho and headband. Shadow's symbol, clear as day on his thighs from his favorite socks.

"Ready?" Shadow asked.

"-et!" Sonic continue trying to say 'set'.

"Go!" Shadow finished and they took off. Wind whirling behind them.

  This wasn't a race like it in their past, this was just for fun... just for the freedom of running, and skating for Shadow. Sonic still loved the feeling of the wind in his quills. The weightlessness of his feet moving at the speed of sound. Shadow only a bit behind him. They ran for hours and hours.

  Ding! The doorbell to Sonic and Shadow's home went off. Tails, who was still there searching for Chuck, answered it.

"Hello?" The kit asked.

"Tails, so nice to see you. Is Soni boy home?" Chuck asked.

"Ah! Eggman robot!" Tails shouted running behind Knuckles.

"What? Hey buddy what don't you go back to the rotten egg who sent you!" Knuckles growled.

"Guys wait!" Silver stopped the Sonic team from attacking. He was holding a book titled Memories, Sonic's photo album, "aren't you this robotic hedgehog here?" Silver turned the book around and pointed to a photo.

"Oh that was a long time ago," Cuck took the album.

"Wait? What?" Tails calmed down and walked over to Chuck, "are you... Chuck?"

"You must have been too young to remember Tails. How old were you? I think about four and a half," Chuck smiled, "You certainly have grown."

"Not going to say 'hi' Tails?" Sally asked.

"Sally!" Tails recognized her from pictures.

  Sally kissed both his cheeks, then once on his nose.

Tails stepped back giggling, "That was a funny kiss."

"You used to call it the funny kiss," Sally reminded him.

"So where's Sugarhog?" Bunny asked.

"Sonic went out with Shadow on a run. They should be back soon. Unless Eggman attacked," Tails answered.

"What do you guys want with Sonic?" Amy asked.

"Chuck wanted to a checkup on him for a some a thing," Antoine stated.

"How soon till he's back?" Rooter asked.

"Hard to tell, but I can answer questions until he gets back," Tails offered.

  The new group took their seat, waiting for Sonic. None of them realizing Sonic and Shadow were already home, making out in their backyard.

"Sh-a~dow~," Sonic moaned, "-thers in...de."

"Let them hear, I only want you," Shadow purred, kissing Sonic again and again.

"Sha~dow," Sonic's voice always seem to come back a bit when he was tied up in the web of Shadow love, "I... ant... try...gain."

"Try again for what?" Shadow moved to lay beside Sonic.

"-nother..." Sonic moved Shadow's hand over his stomach, "... it...o... be yours."

"Sapphire," Shadow began nuzzling his lover's neck and shoulders.

  Sonic giggled, sometimes out loud sometimes with no sound, as Shadow began tracing Sonic's figure with pecks from his lips. They two decide they'd rather finish their heated session with a few snacks from the kitchen. They opened the back door only to find their living room full of guests, both annoyed their private time was now forced to an end.

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