Ep 3

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"S-Shadow!" Sonic stuttered and pulled the headband off quick.

"What are you up to Faker?" He asked raising an eye ridge at Sonic's current state.

"N-nothing," Sonic started pulling the sweater off with the curtains. He went back to his calm, cool self, "What are you doing here Faker?"

"Says the fake, what was all that?" Shadow said tossing the blue petal he still had in his hand.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sonic stated.

(PoV: Shadow)

  I knew he was hiding something, but why? I've only noticed him as obnoxious, cocky, and honest with others. His nervousness and sudden shock was a new sight for me.

"What were you doing in the mirror hedgehog?" I demanded an answer.

"You must be imagining things Shadow," he just turned and waved a hand, obviously trying to brush my question off, "Don't you have a mission with Rouge?"

"I do, perhaps I should ask her about all this," bribery, a simple way to get an answer.

"What no?! You can't tell her," he panicked, so he is hiding something.

"Well then answer me, and no one will hear of it," I didn't care, but for some reason I was curious.

"Well, you saw didn't you," Sonic's eyes were looking a the mess of curtains and his sweater hidden inside, "I liked dressing up a little... a little... um......"

"A little what hedgehog?" I've never seen him act this way. Is he always like this when no one's around? I thought, growing impatient.

"c-cute," he mumbled, was he shy?

"That's all?" I didn't know why I wanted to know more, but I notice how red his cheeks and ears were getting, "You not telling me all of it."

"Mmh..." Sonic was rubbing his arm behind his back, his left foot fiddled with the ground.

(PoV: Sonic)

  Why is he pestering me now? I locked my door for a reason, why couldn't he see that part? I thought while kicking the floor.

"Sonic!" His demanding voice made my ears pin back.

"I-I don't always like being... the hero," I blurted out the truth he wanted.

"What do you mean by that?" Another question to mumble to.

"I know I'm... I'm usually calm, collected, and acting cool. But... s-sometimes I like to just be a little more emotional. When I not surrounded by other mobians, I-I..." I felt a lump in my throat making it hard to continue, "I feel safer being a little more normal. Less is expected of me... s-so when no one's around I like to be more true to myself," I managed to say it. Please leave me alone now, I froze hearing Shadow walk closer.

"And here I thought you were always honest and true to yourself. You really are a weak faker," he chuckled.

"Shut up! You were watching me anyway so you aren't one to judge," I shouted, he froze.

(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Sonic had Shadow pinned. He was originally waiting for Rouge, but why did he watch Sonic through his window?

"Peeping Tom," Sonic started a list, "Pervert, stalker. If mobians find out that's what they'll call you."

"Crossdresser, pervert is what they'll call you Faker," Shadow smirked.

  They had each other trapped in their words and actions.

"Fine, I don't tell, you don't ever," Sonic cut the silent tension.

"Deal," Shadow shook Sonic's hand, "by the way, dark green isn't your color," Shadow said as he turned and left.

"Damn it, I hate you Shadow!" Sonic shouted as he slammed the doors to the balcony shut.

  Shadow stumbled a bit. It surprised him that he even let such a simple action as skating have a minor error. But something burned his ears as it rang in his head. He never wanted to hear Sonic say he hated him ever again.

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