Ep 22

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(PoV: Shadow)

  My little Sapphire's room was completely destroyed. I took a close look at the marks on his wall. They were that sane marks from a certain hammer a pink hedgehog wields.

"Chaos control!" I took myself to Tails's workshop.

"Shadow!" The twin-tailed kit ran up to me, "Good Amy hasn't gone after you yet."

"Where is Sonic?" I growled. I didn't care about greetings or Amy's madness. I wanted my boyfriend, "What the hell has that pink rat done with my boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend, wow. You guys are serious. Silver where'd you hide Sonic anyway?" Blaze asked.

"I'll go get him. Tails, I've gotta borrow that box," Silver picked up the box and left.

"So how was last night for you two?" Blaze asked.

"I'll spare Tails's innocence with vage details," I glance at the orange fox, "let's just say I would be surprised if Sonic woke up sore."

"I regret asking," the violet cat walked away.

  I waited impatiently for that white hedgehog to return. He came in holding that same box and set it down.

"Silver, don't ever do that again," my sapphire love growled and he popped his head out of the box.

"What'd he do?" Tails asked.

"Let me on a sea stack in the middle of the water," Sonic glared at him.

"At least Amy didn't find you," Silver backed away.

"Grr..." Sonic growled and stopped when he saw me, "Shadow!" He ran up and hugged me, "Oh thank chaos! Amy doesn't know you're here yet."

"I missed you too," I chuckled at his quick change in mood, "So, since your house is no longer an option. Tails do you mind if Sonic and I stay in your guest room."

"Not at all," he answered.

"I definitely mind," I knew that obnoxious voice, I turned to see that pink hedgehog with her hammer, "get away from my Sonic."

"She found us," Sonic hid behind me, you want me to protect you. I would have done so either way, "Amy please, you have to understand," Sonic pleaded.

"Shadow, how about you release Sonic from whatever you put him under so we can live happily together," her demands made no sense.

"I didn't put Sonic under anything," well, anything other than myself, I held him close, "it was his own choice to choose me."

"Shadow," Sonic whispered, "I have something important to tell you after."

"Please, you made him say all that this morning for your own enjoyment," she swung at us. I picked up Sonic and jumped away before she could hit us, "Sonic would never say he loves anyone other than me."

"You love me?" I teased him.

"Shut up," he mumbled hiding in my fur, "You ruined the surprise."

"Grr..." Amy was growling at the both of us.

"Change of plans," I pulled out my second chaos emerald, "Tails I'll bring him back when the pink brute has calmed down. Chaos Control!"

--- A Hotel ---

(PoV: Sonic)

  We appeared in the middle of a hotel room, Shadow put me down on one of the beds.

"Rouge," Shadow called.

"I know," Rouge came out the bathroom, "Amy called earlier complaining. I figure you two would show up at some point. So how bad was it really?"

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