Ep 5

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(PoV: Shadow)

  I need to resolve this. Even when Rouge gave me a report on the mission, that damn Faker still came to mind at least twice.

"Come on Shadow, don't be so grumpy," Amy teased. I gave her a slight growl, "uh... nevermind."

"Shadow, calm down honey," Rouge said handing me another pointless shopping bag, "besides I'm done here. You can leave if you want to."

  I felt a little relieved when she said that. So I left with chaos control. That didn't work, I thought as I reappeared on the beach, I only went to try and ignore these thoughts of that faker. Why won't he get out of my mind? 'I hate you shadow!' I remembered those words, it hurt my ears and chest to even remember them. Why were they hurting me?

(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Shadow appeared on that same branch in that same tree and watched the same window. Sonic wasn't wearing the sweater this time. Shadow jumped down onto the balcony again.

"What are you doing Faker?" Shadow asked suddenly.

"Shadow! Wh- why are you back?" He scared Sonic for a second before he recollected to his 'normal' self, "So you wanna race and lose or somethin?"

"No," Shadow just walked closer, what am I doing? What would I say?

"What cat got yo-" Sonic was pinned to the wall by his rival, "H-hey... what are you doing?"

"I don't ever want to hear you say you hate me again," he demanded.

"Shadow?" Sonic spoke softly. what's going on with him? Did my yelling hurt his feelings or something? "Shadow what's going on with you?"

"I don't know," Shadow sighed and let Sonic go, "Where's your sweater? You are alone."

"Um... I was about to go out so, I didn't think it was worth it," Sonic answered.

"Humph," Shadow didn't say a thing, but he wasn't leaving either.

"Imma go for a run, see ya," Sonic dashed out.

(PoV: Shadow)

  Damn hedgehog. Left the door unlocked, I looked around. Palest blue walls, more photos of his annoying companions. But none with anyone else. I wandered up to his bedroom, what am I doing? His scent fills this room, why does it seem so smell sweeter than yesterday?

(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Shadow opened the top drawer of Sonic's dresser. He only could souvenirs from different battles and fights with enemies. He saw a folded paper, slightly scorched at the sides. He was about to open it when a huge explosion from outside caught his attention.


Boom cliffhanger! Muwahahah! Maybe you'll never find out what happens. I joking, I would be that mean. Hope you guys are enjoying this creation. Bye bye now~ 😙

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