Ep 35

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(PoV: Sonic)

  Silver must be scared of me now. No one has ever seen that side of me, other than Shadow and Eggman, I sighed as I sat alone in my thoughts.

"So what if he's afraid if a little power. That bastard took us away from the only one we've truly loved since Mom and Dad were-"

"Shut up! Just leave me alone!" I cried, "why do you keep torturing me with that?"

"Because it was your fault. You couldn't save them, you were weak," Dark continued pestering me.

"Sonic, are you okay?" Silver came in.

"Um... yeah. This is nothing new," I sighed.

"You look like you're about to cry," Silver read me as clearly as Shadow did... Shadow... I hate being away from you.

"I can't take this anymore," I completely broke down, holding onto Silver like there was no tomorrow, "I m-iss him s-so mu-uch... I j-ust want to b-e back i-in his a-rms," I cried.

"I know," Silver hugged me, he wasn't Shadow but he still helped, "Hey, once you get your amulate, let's chaos control outta here."

I nodded. I hated waiting, but this will be worth it to see Shadow again. Not to mention, there's something I'd like to try again with him.

(PoV: Shadow)

  I raced around looking for Sonic, it had been a whole day. I found the lime scumbag running from Eggman's base, his robots after him.

"Hey!" I snagged. Hanging his from a tree by the collar of his leather jacket.

"What the- Stripes. Put me down," he stopped squirming.

"Where.Is.Sonic?" I growled.

"Ohahah," he let out an annoying nervous laugh. I glared at him, "Look, he's safe. I haven't touched him. He's the lake house on crystal pond. I was just getting this for him."

  He held out Sonic's amulate. I snatched it from him, and quickly Chaos Controlled to the lake house. The house was old a rickety. No way to land other than by boat or to swim. Sonic must be terrified. He hates water, I kicked the stowaway off me.

"Which room?" I growled again.

"Any, none are locked," Scourge got up dusting off his sleeves.

  I ignored him, kicking open each door I came across. The last door I opened had toys and things everywhere. I found Sonic asleep on Sliver's lap. I decided to ignore that fact go now and picked up my little Lapis.

"Shadow, how'd you find us?" Silver asked.

"Interrogation," I answered, "Lapis," I rubbed his cheek, waking him up.

"Sh-a~dow!" He hugged me.

  Did he lose his voice again? Why did saying my name sound difficult? I hugged him back.

"Ready to go?" He nodded, "Silver," I let the white hedgehog grabbed my arm, "chaos control."

(PoV: Sonic)

  Shadow saved me! I still held onto him. I didn't need to, but I wanted to. We were in a grass field of the green hill zone. I looked onto those gorgeous ruby red eyes, they looked worried.

"Sh-a~dow? Some- wrong?" I asked.

"Sonic," he sat me down, sitting right next to me. I looked at Silver, he looked just as concerned.

"I don't get it, he was talking just fine before," Silver stated.

"H-a~t?" I looked back at Shadow, "Sh-a~dow..." oh no... I heard myself that time. Was my voice going to change again? "Sh-a~dow. Sha~dow."

"I'm taking you home," he picked me back up.

  I don't get it... I should just have my voice normally now. Did Scourge do something while I was out? I kept racing through my mind to figure out what was going on. I need Uncle Chuck. He might know more.

"Sha~dow," he looked down at me, "...eed Un- Chu~k"

"Um... can you try saying that again?" Silver asked.

"Eed... Un- Chu~k," I started getting frustrated, talking was the most annoying thing to learn, "Un- Chu~k!"

"Sonic you need rest," Silver placed my amulate back around my neck, "Shadow take him home."

"That was my plan," he adjusted me, "chaos control."

--- SonicxShadow's House ---

  We landed in the bedroom. Shadow wrapped me up in blankets. I wanted paper and a pen, any pen.

"Get some sleep," he kissed my ear making me laugh, then left.

  I waited until I heard him go down the steps before jumping out of bed. I rummaged through the drawers, finding my journal and pen. I never really used the journal so I didn't care who saw it. I quickly started writing in it.

'I need to find my Uncle Chuck,' was what I wrote down. He was the only one who could possibly know what's happening. Tails is smart but Unc has more experience. I ran down the steps with the notebook, practically slipping.

"Sonic be careful!" Tails ran up to me.

  I looked around, everyone was here. When did they get here? I ignored then and ran up to Shadow.

"What are..." He sighed midsentence, "Go get some rest."

  I didn't budge. I wanted him to understand, he did before, sorta.

"Sonic what are you trying to say?" Amy took my arm and I pulled away, I still didn't want her too close.

"Eed... i-nd un... uck..." I wanted to slam my head on the table, my own voice hates me.

"What?" They all looked at me.

  I gave up and slammed my journal down on the table top.

"Hey," Shadow grabbed me.

  I didn't care, I held onto him, this was the most frustrating thing ever.

"I need to find my Uncle Chuck, he wrote it down. You guys didn't notice?" Tails read my message, tails to the rescue!

  Now that that was solved I just snuggled against my Night sky with ruby stars. A nice fuffly cloud to snuggle tickled my nose.

"Find?" Blaze asked.

"Wait, Sonic you don't know where he is?" Sliver asked, when did you beat me home?

  I shook my head no and hid in Shadow's white fur.

"That's enough," Shadow stopped the painful questions. He must have know how much it hurt me to hear those types of things, "Tails you work on finding his uncle. I'm taking him back to bed."

  Shadow carried me upstairs, he helped me wash up and change. I slammed the clothes Scourge dressed me in into the trash. I wrapped myself in one of shirts Shadow never wore. Of course they still had his scent all over them. He laid down next to me.

"We'll find your Uncle," Shadow whispered, "just rest for me, until then."

"Love...ou- Sha~dow," I yawned, curling up against... well, the love of my life.


  Ahh! So cute. That you guys for all the support, it make me want to write 1000 stories for you. I won't write that many, but I deffiently will wrote more stories for you all.

Don't forget to comment, I like reading what you have to say so I can make improvements and for inspiration.

Bye bye~ 😙

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