Ep 34

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  Finals are over!!!! Yay! Summer has begun. I'll do my best to update as often as I can. I will be moving and such, but hey three 10 weeks of free time to update so Yay!

  Also, I'm working on a new story for you guys. Writing a few chapters ahead. Sonadow vs Sonamy. Shadow is given a new slave as a gift, but what happens when a rich pink hedgehog begins setting her sights on Shadows latest development?

Sound interesting? Let me know. 😉


(PoV: Sonic)

  I woke up in a room, all decorated and dolled up for a little kid. A crib, animals painted onto the wall. Small toys everywhere. I picked up a teddy bear with a pink bow on it.

"I picked it out, but I'm not sure if it'll be a girl or boy. That is, if you want to try again with someone new?" I gasped at the sudden voice and shot around, Scourge came up from behind me.

"I'm only baring Shadow's children, not yours," I growled.

"You don't have to yet, you still have a little healing to do. I just was to give you a child that will survive," he ran his hand across my cheek, I hit it away.

"Don't touch me," I snapped, so he brought me here to make me his mate. Of course, he would, "I want nothing to do with you "

"Oh Blue, you're too cute when you're mad," he laughed, I kicked him back and he slammed against the wall, "oww damn it Blue."

  I giggled, content with my action, "whoopsy. Did I do that?"

"Nice and feisty, don't change that," he started walking back towards me. I took a fighting stance, "I won't hurt you, I promise."

  Something told me he had his finger crossed. I jumped up onto the dresser behind me, avoiding his hand.

"Sonic!" Silver burst in, "get away from him!"

  Scourge was pinned to the wall, surrounded by an aqua aura.

"Silver? How?" I jumped down.

"Scourge he just woke up and you're already trying something. You're more impatient than he is," Mephilies walked in.

"Okay I'm lost," I didn't see Silver fighting Mephilies.

"Oh, Mephilies is okay now l. I think? He won't hurt us," Silver explained, "neither of them will, but Scourge is planning something. I'll tell you later."

"I know exactly what he's planning," I glared at the still pinned Scourge, "I'm not having your kid a*shole!"

"Woah," Silver looked shocked Mephilies too.

"What?" I looked at Scourge, he looked a little surprised too.

"I've never heard you curse before," Silver said.

"Well he seriously ticked me off," I walked passed them, "I'm going home."

"Oh no you're not," Mephilies grabbed me.

"Hands off," I shot back.

"Mephilies let him go," Silver said and he let go.

"You won't be able to go back," he stated.

"Why not?" I crossed my arms, tapping my foot for an answer.

"This is a lake house. It's surrounded by water, and the bridge is dangerously unstable," he said.

  I ran downstairs hoping it wasn't true. I saw water in every direction. The only land was too far to jump. A rickety, narrow dock the only thing around the outside if the house. I fell to my knees, there's no way out. Wait my amulate! I reached under my sweater, it was gone! My precious note from Shadow, the chain he made just for me. Gone! I notice this sweater wasn't mine either. It was a turquoise, but the same style as my other ones. It fell off my shoulders, black straps holding it up. It fell over to just the tip of my tail. These socks weren't mine either. They reached up my thighs, covered in thick black and green striped.

"Like the outfit? I picked it myself," Scourge came down the stairs.

"No, Shadow has much better taste. Where's my amulate?!" I stopped my foot, the white flats making a light tapping sound.

"You mean that chaos emerald? I gave it to Eggman, a peace offering while he rebuilds the base you left in ashes," Scourge grabbed my hand and tugged me towards him, "Now then Blue... you can stay here a relax."

"I could never relax here, you have me trapped in an old house where I have to stare at your neon mug all day. Why would I relax?" I pulled my hand back, but he still didn't let go.

"I'll give you one reason," he forced a kiss.

  I kept my lips sealed. I wasn't letting him in, not ever. He slipped his other hand under the sweat, moving his hand under my tail. I turned my head to break the kiss, the slapped him straight across his check. I knew it was a hard hit, my hand was stinging from the impact.

"Do. Not. Touch. Me," I growled, I didn't care if dark lit an aura around me. He wasn't forcing me into this. I wasn't going to be his mate, "Ever."

"It's about time you got mad. He stole us away from Shadow for the last time!" Dark's voice showed up.

"Scourge let him go," Mephilies even looked scared of me.

"Sonic..." Silver held Mephalis's hand.

"They're scared. Demand your orders now!" Dark told me.

"I want my amulate back, and you will send me home. Understand?" I demanded.

  Scourge nodded backing away. I sat down, patiently wait for my amulate, and return home.

(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Scourge left, quickly returning to Eggman's base. It was only half rebuilt.

"We've got a problem Eggman," Scourge said, "Sonic's got something dark. I only got a glimpse, he looked ready to destroy a planet."

"His dark side, he's had that for a while now. Did you see a black figure or just the dark aura?" Eggman asked.

"Only the aura. It sent... chills. I never get chills," Scourge replied, "you never warned me of this! The deals off. I'm not getting killed by Sonic himself. You can take over the world on your own. I'll get Sonic on my own," the lime hedgehog stormed out.

"Fine, I no longer require your assistance. Robots Attack!" Eggman ordered, sending a hoard of remaining robots toward Scourge.

  He ran off, avoiding Eggman's attack. Having secretly stolen back the amulate.

--- Sonic and Shadow's house ---

(PoV: Shadow)

"Lapis I'm home," I called.

No answer.

"Lapis? Where are you hiding?" I looked around.

  He's done this a few times, he would hide the jump out at me. I searched everywhere, refusing the fact that he wasn't home. I chaos controlled to the beach, he wasn't there. I searched the town and looked around by his friends' homes. He wasn't anywhere.

"Come to think of it, I can't find Silver either," Blaze stated.

"This, is a problem."


Hey guys, comment is the new story interests you. I've got 2 chapters prepared for you already. Comment to let me know.

Chow now~ 😁

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