Ep 13

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(PoV: Sonic)

"Shadow wait-!" I shouted forgetting to change out of my outfit.

  I was in public, and dressed up, with shadows symbol on my legs! I panicked quietly as I pulled the headband off.

"I'll leave you on a distant rooftop where you can just watch," Shadow said jumping on top of a building and putting me down, "What's wrong?"

"Everyone's going to see you, idiot," I said and he jumped back.

"Don't say that," I knew he was mad at the insult, "just ignore them."

"Just go fight, I'll figure something out," I pushed the socks down so shadows symbol wasn't showing. I hid the socks as best as I could. I pulled off the poncho after Shadow left. I folded it to look like a pillow and sat on it. I hid the headband inside the folded poncho. I just hoped no one noticed the more obvious hickey Shadow left on my neck.

(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Sonic sat quietly and watched his team fight Eggman without him. They were doing well, Shadow hardly had to do a thing. Amy quickly took notice of Sonic sitting comfortably on a yellow pillow.

"Hey Sonic~" she called making him shutter, "why won't you come down and help?"

  Sonic just shook his head and Shadow started getting annoyed.

"Oh hey, Sonic," Tails called, every else noticed Sonic doing nothing too, "You okay?" Tails flew up by Sonic.

"Yeah buddy I'm fine," Sonic replied.

"You sure, I don't usually see you standing still in a fight, no the less sitting," Tails dropped down in front of Sonic.

"Don't worry big guy, besides look, the fights over," Sonic pointed to Eggman retreating.

"Oh okay," Tails whined up his tails and flew back down, I know he's hiding something but I should wait until later to push it.

"Sore from last night big blue?" Rouge asked sitting next to him.

"Hey keep it down," Sonic whispered, "No one else knows."

"Tails will figure it out soon though. There's almost nothing that kid can't figure out," Rouge commented.

"I know," Sonic watched the small celebration everyone was having, "I'm going to tell him soon."

"Amy's going to kill you," she reminded him.

"I'll need an Amy proof bunker made from mobian diamond," Sonic joked.

"Ha nice one, need help getting down?"

"Please," she helped Sonic up and flew them both down, "Thanks."

"No problem hon~" Rouge walked over to Shadow, "You know, I just noticed how feminine his body it too. Better be sure, if you bring him out dressed up, no other guys hit on him."

"I'm aware of that," Shadow replied, "Once he's comfortable to tell everyone, I'll be able to tell people to back off much easier."

"Sonic are sure you're okay?" Tails noticed the subtle weakness in Sonic's legs, "Why do we go back to my place? I'll wanna be sure you're fine."

"You're going to keep pushing until I agree aren't you?" Sonic stood with one hand on his hip.

"You bet," Tails smiled.

"Alright then," Sonic climbed into the back of Tails's plane, "Let's go."

"Shadow you coming?" Rouge asked.

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