Ep 4

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(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Shadow was just standing in an empty field, nothing in particular on his mind. Until a memory of Sonic in his green sweater popped into his head. Shadow shook his head to ignore it and pushed that thought aside. He noticed various colors of flowers near the edge of the field and walked over to them. He saw a blue flower with neat and round petals, next to it a red rose. He picked both in his hand, remembering how Sonic always stopped to smell any flowers he liked. Why is that damn hedgehog on my mind today? Shadow pushed the thought away still holding both flowers together.

"Shadow~" Rouge landed behind him. He just looked at her, "You'll be glad to know I handled the mission fine on my own no thanks to you."

"Hmph," He looked back at the rose and little flower, their stems curling around each other.

"Oh, picking flowers? Who's it for?" Rouge taunted.

"No one," Shadow tossed the flowers aside.

  The missing flowers left a very small feeling of loss in his hand. He ignored it and continued walking away.

(PoV: Sonic)

  I couldn't sleep, I was still a little anxious about what Shadow saw. I could trust him not telling anyone other than Rouge, but Rouge made me nervous. The girls, despite the stereotype they want to ignore, did tend to gossip. Of course, if I ever told them about it Amy would start lecturing me about how girls are equal to guys. I didn't disagree, I was just tired of hearing about it from her.

"Hey, Sonic you okay?" Tails had let himself in.

"Hmm? Oh yeah buddy," I yawned, "Just overslept a little. Be out in a minute or less."

"Kay," Tails left smiling.

  I slipped my shoes on over some socks then hid the sweater and headband from yesterday. I can't believe he caught me like that, I thought while untangling the curtain, he so, ugh I hate him! I pushed those thoughts aside and ran downstairs with the happy-go-lucky face everyone knew.

"Mornin'," I said hopping over the staircase and onto the hardwood floor of my living room.

"He we're all gonna meet up at my workshop," Tails was working on his homemade laptop, "You planning to join us?"

"Maybe after a run of, a few miles," I laughed and grabbed an apple to eat, "Fight Eggbreath if he attacks, the usual."

"Cool," Tails closed his computer, "I'll see you after your run."

  Tails left with his twin tails waving behind him. I sighed as I watched him go. Other than Shadow, Tails was the closest to finding out what I do alone.


Why am I doing this at one am?

Brain: because you enjoy writing and you're a stupid night owl.

Thanks, brain.

Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I'm having an interesting and fun time creating this.

See ya in Episode 5. ;)

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