Ep 16

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(PoV: 3rd Person)

"Hey Blue~" Sonic's ears went back as he recognized that fakers voice, "You look pretty damn cute."

"Scourge," Sonic replied only standing closer to Shadow and clinging to his arm, "What do you want? Why are you back here?"

"Oh nothing," he glanced at Shadow but continued watching Sonic, "just came to get some I didn't realize I had left behind."

  Shadow instantly stepped in front of Sonic and growled at Scouge.

"If you think you'll get near him you're mistaken," Shadow growled.

"I don't remember seeing you around stripes," Scourge looked Shadow up and down, "Oh well, at least I know what gender Sonic prefers now."

"What?" Shadow snarled.

  Scourge kept talking with Shadow while a dark shape on the ground slipped under Sonic. Those all too familiar inky tentacles found their way around Sonic, covering his mouth and holding him tight.

"Sonic!" Shadow shouted.

"Hello, Shadow," Mephalis appeared from the dark spot under Sonic, "It's been some time. And Sonic, I could have sworn I killed you before."

"MM!" Sonic's voice was muffled his focus on getting free.

"That princess of Solaris saved you last time, but I'm not here to kill you," Mephalis pulled Sonic away from Shadow and held him out of reach, "If you want him Shadow, come get him."

"You bastard," Shadow growled.

"So Blue how's it feel to be helpless?" Scourge teased, "well I've got a nice view," He smirked.

"I knew there's one more," Shadow said picking up a third presence, "Come out and quit you’re hiding!"

"Sorry there's just the two of us," Scourge shrugged sarcastically.

  It was a spybot from Eggman who was watching them. It sent a signal to Eggman's base, and he took action.

"Orbot! Cubot!" Eggman shouted.

"Yes sir?" Orbot answered quietly.

"Yeah boss," Cubot responded.

"I'm taking leave, you two watch the base while I'm gone," Eggman got a salute from the two small bots and left on his eggmobile.

  A battle had started; Shadow was fighting with Scourge, both throwing punched and kicks. Sonic was busy with Mephalis who was dragging him towards a river nearby. Eggman came in cackling as he watched the commotion and sent out his bots to surround Shadow and Scourge.

"Shadow, good to see you're still lively," Eggman turned his view to Scourge, "who are you again?"

"The names Scourge, now leave baldy I'm in the middle of snatching something," Scourge threw another punch, only to be dodged.

"I noticed," Eggman had all his robots aim at the two hedghogs, "bit if don't want me to fire, I suggest neither of you move."

"Shadow!" Sonic hand finally gotten put of Mephalis's grasp after struggling, "Hey Eggbreath."

  Sonic spin dashed three if the robots and landed on the glass of the egg mobile.

"You pesky blue rat, get off!" Eggman shouted and Sonic kicked the glass shattering it, "ah my baby! Grr!"

"Haha catch me if you Egghead!" Sonic shouted destroying more robots.

"Don't get too full of yourself hedgehog!" Mephalis attacked.

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