Ep 6

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(Pov: 3rd Person)

  Shadow dashed towards the explosion. Only to find that Sonic was in a battle with Eggman.

"Hey, Eggbreath over here!" He called circling the battleground.

"Stand still you pointy blue rat!" Eggman called hitting a button on his egg mobile, "Megabot attack!"

"Come on hit me," Sonic teased and spin dashed the large machine to pieces, "All ya got eggadict arnold?"

"I'll be back! And I will destroy you!" Eggman shouted as he retreated.

"Having fun Faker?" Shadow caught Sonic's attention.

"Maybe a little," he laughed, "Heard the battle did you?" Sonic picked up the exact same rose and flower Shadow had tossed.

"I did," Shadow watched Sonic held the flower and sniff it, "reckless as usual," it's hard to tell if he actually enjoys the battles, Shadow thought leaning against a tree.

"Yeah well, that's become my style," Sonic felt a little attached to the flower, "Well I'm gonna make a quick stop before heading to Tails's lab. See ya."

  Shadow just smiled as Sonic waved and ran off.

(PoV: Sonic)

  I place the flowers in a nice vase on my coffee table. The seemed to always connect even if I placed them in the vase separated. I ran off to Tails's place an was there in a couple seconds.

"Hey buddy," I smiled seeing Tails work on his plane.

"Sonic glad you could make it," Tails smiled with his blue eyes suddenly looking back at his work, "You took a long time."

"It was just a battle with Egghead and some flowers caught my eye," I lead against the wall with hand crossed behind my head.

"Sonic~" that voice could only come from one pink hedgehog, "What took you so long? We were supposed to hang out together."

"I had a battle," we never made plans to hang out, I shrugged, I wonder what Shadow' s doing now that I'm gone... Wait... why do I care?

"Sonic!" Amy snapped me back to reality, "Are we going on a date now or not?"

"No thanks," I yawned, haven't you already guessed my answer?

"Hey Sonic, my plane is ready for a test ride. Wanna give 'er a go?" Tails saved me.

"Sure thing Pal, sounds like fun," I winked.

(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Sonic took a flight with Tails while Shadow was called into G.U.N. He was to go on another mission, one that would take three days at its longest.

  Shadow left anyway, but his first thought after leaving was not saying goodbye to Sonic. Even if it was only for three days.

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