Ep 33

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(PoV: Sonic)

  I loved this day, moving in with Shadow. But...... that would mean leaving peanut. She was always with me in our backyard. She even sprouted bright, beautiful green leaves. Shadow put up a little fence around her so no animals would get to her. I hadn't left yet, and I still missed her.

"We should move her," Shadow hugged me from behind, starting out my window to our daughter, "Someplace peaceful. Where she can grow beautifully."

"The stream, the empty island in the stream would be perfect," I remember the stream I had been to on a few runs, "she would be beautiful there... but... Shadow," I looked up at him, I didn't want to go in the water.

"I won't let you fall in, okay?" I nodded, still a bit nervous.

--- Lunch at the Stream ---

  Shadow chaos controlled us to the island in the middle of the stream. Green grass under our feet. Shadow dug a hole in the very center of the island, I gently place my little sproutling inside and patted down the dirt. She had a nice new home to grow in, I would always come visit her.

  Shadow didn't say a thing, but he knew just what to do. His hand gently brushed against my cheek, he pulled me into a warm embrace. Kissing me ever so softly. It was a flash of light and we her in my home again, boxes of my thing packed and ready to move. I grabbed the last box and  Shadow took it from me, like he a done with all the others. He skated off and then back, box gone.

"I could have helped you know," I said fidgeting with the gold chain of my amulate.

"Then I wouldn't be doing this," he picked me up. My legs hung over his left arm, my chest being held by his right.

"Come on I can run," I squirmed a bit.

"Really think I'll put you down?" He teased. I got comfortable and he walked out the door, me in his arms.

(PoV: Shadow)

  I held my little Lapis tight. We had a home of our own, but it wasn't my house. I built a home for the two of us, and one more. I knew it would be a while before Sonic would want to try again, but if the time did come I want to still be ready. His eyes sparkled and shone brighter than the master emerald when we got to the new house. The soft, light tan walls. He jumped out of my arms and ran inside. I had the boxes in their rightful room. The master bedroom had soft rosy walls and a large window, for lots of sunlight.

"Shadow~" the best part, that Sonic just noticed, "is that?"

"Yes, it is," I answered, you can clearly see the island in the creek where our little girl was growing.

"I never want to leave here," Sonic let out a heartful sigh and held my hand, "This house is perfect."

"Almost," I took out the image of his parents, the ones who raised him. I framed it and placed it on the dresser, "Now it's perfect, with the whole family nearby."

  He ran up and hugged me.  He was so happy he was crying. I could have sworn there was a white aura around him, but I was to busy loving him to care. I knew it was from the two chaos emeralds.

"Ready to set everything up?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's make them even more of a home," He smiled.

"Cut it with the cheesy crap," I ruffled his quills, there's just one last thing to do.

--- One Week Later ---

"You actually bought that?" Rouge was pestering me, once again, "Why?"

"I told you it's part of the plan," I looked at the little boat I had just bought, "just promise me you'll hide it from Sonic."

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