Ep 23

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(PoV: Shadow)

  I snuck through the vents all the way back to the computer room. Rouge flew down and started working through the plans.

"I can't believe it's taking this long just to download some stupid plans, and destroy this place," She complained.

"I would have preferred destroying it from the beginning, but G.U.N wants these plans as a just in case scenario,"  I grunted fighting off guards.

(PoV: Sonic)

  I found the perfect gift for Shadow, I think. It was really just a plain gold ring, but it was a rose design etched into it. It was simple but it had that same elegance Shadow had. His eyes were always so deep, mysterious and kind to me. It all just made me hope he likes his gift. The sound of a trash can tipping over caught my attention. I held the box close to my chest, that was one thing I didn't want to lose. I slowly stepped to take a look, nothing was there.

"Phew, I guess I scared myself for nothing-" something cold covered my mouth and pulled me into the ally.

  I kicked and tried to pull away with the ring box in my hand. These guys weren't budging.

"Sir we've retrieved the blue hedgehog," a computerized voice came from the one in front of me.

  I couldn't hear a reply, I only heard them salute before I was tied up, blindfolded and carried away.

(PoV: Shadow)

  The alarms stopped, and guards were no longer attacking.

"What's going?" I stayed on my defense.

"The system opened all firewalls, I've got all of the plans," Rouge showed me the finished download.

"Shadow, Rouge, I'd like to thank you. Your constant invasions gave me a wonderful idea. You took something of mine, now I have something of yours," It was that damn robot again.

"Let me outta here!" I knew that voice, I loved that voice. But not when he was scared, "Shadow don't come for me. I can save myself. Get out, it's a-"

"Fistey that one," he cut Sonic off before he could finish, but I knew he was going to say it's a trap, "You can either hand over the plans for your friend here, or she perishes."

"You bastard!" I growled and smashed the computer.

"Shadow, Sonic can take care of himself. You gave him a chaos emerald, he can chaos control himself out," I knew she was trying to calm me down, but it wasn't working.

"If he could he would have done so already," I pushed her off and staked off to that mechanical bastard.

(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Shadow rushed through the halls of the base. He stopped in front of the main robot, Sonic trapped in a glass dome and tied up next to him. He spotted Shadow and instantly started shaking his head.

"Sonic, release him!" Shadow demanded.

"That depends, where are my plans?" The robot asked holding out its metal claws.

"Gone, I'm just here for Sonic," Shadow growled, throwing a chaos spear at the glass.

  There were blue eyes watching, as the glass didn't break. A dark shadow slipped its way under the glass, and under Sonic. Sonic didn't even notice, he was too focused on Shadow's fight.

"Hello again Sonic," Mephilies spoke from under him, the dark shadow, "I don't think I've ever seen you so dolled up."

  Anything Sonic said was muffled. Shadow couldn't hear a thing through the glass. Shadow glance at Sonic to see Mephilies lifting his chin.

"Hands off!" Shadow used a chaos blast breaking the seal under the dome, "Alright Mephilies, I know you didn't come alone."

"Focus on who you're fighting!" The robot shouted. Shadow glared at it and chaos speared it's, already damaged, chest.

  It blew up and Shadow quickly returned his focus to Sonic who was gone.

"Mephilies..." Shadow growled and punched the wall, denting the metal, "I'll kill him for this."

"Finally, I found you... Well, at least the base is destroyed. Where's Sonic?" Rouge looked around, quickly backing away from a pissed Shadow, "I'll let G.U.N know the mission is completed. You, try not to kill anyone."

"That's exactly what I plan to do," Shadow had a low, extremely threatening growl.

"Hello G.U.N our mission is completed. But we have a huge problem," Rouge spoke into her communicator.

"What's the problem?" The commander asked.

"We sorta, lost an ally to Mephilies. Just send Sonic's team for back up, we've got a blue hedgehog to save," Rouge answered.

"Right away," they hung up.

--- With Mephilies and Sonic ---

  Sonic was dropped onto a bed. Mephilies stepping back for Scourge to come out of the shadows.

"I told ya you'd be mine Blue," Scourge raised Sonic's chin, staring into annoyed emerald eyes, "untie him. He can't run without his special sneakers."

"Would have made him easier to kill before," Mephilies said cutting the ropes.

  Sonic quickly pulled the cloth around his mouth, gagging him, off, "I told you. I'm spending my day with Shadow."

"Again? Look, that robot took your chaos emerald. You can't run away, where are you going to go?" Scourge wrapped his arm around Sonic's waist. Only to receive a hard punch to his jaw, "tsk... get the chaos collar on him."

  Scourge said walking out. Mephilies secured Sonic with his only tentacles. He strapped a grey collar onto Sonic and let him go.

"Feel helpless yet?" Mephilies asked.

"Bite me," Sonic growled.

"I have a much better idea," Scourge smirked, looking down at the growling blue hedgehog.

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