Ep 18

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(PoV: Shadow)

Sonic had started resting by my side almost every day. He seemed to care less about who saw us together. I loved how he'd curl up in a sweater and still want me to hold him. Those were all nice thoughts, but my focus was right now. My little Sapphire was wearing one of my dress shirt and asleep over me.

"Sonic," his ear twitched but his eyes stayed closed, "you're beginning to tempt me."

"Shadow no, it's too early for that," he yawned.

"My clothes are too big on you, the sleeves keep falling over your hands," I pulled his hand out of the sleeve and sat up.

"No don't leave me in cold~" he pulled the blanket up.

"It's a warm day Sonic," I got up and pulled my gloves back on.

"We could pretend it's cold," he mumbled.

"I'm going to G.U.N headquarters, I'll be back tonight," I kissed his ear.

"If they send you on a mission let me know," he handed me a communicator, "I had Tails make this one for you. So you can contact me to help too."

"I'd never put you in danger like that," I pushed his quills back receiving a purr from my lapis partner.

"I can handle myself," his cheeks puffed out a little.

"Mad are we? You don't scare me, not with how cute you are," that made his face change to red and embarrassed in a few seconds flat, "You want me to give you something special before I leave?"

"Yes," he whined.

I gave him a nice long kiss before leaving. G.U.N HQ was as annoying as ever. The commander had me partner with Rouge as we always did, our next mission was going to take a week. We'd leave tomorrow.

"One week," a hassle to just stay there. But I have to get back to Sonic and tell him what's happening, I was walking out with Rouge, "I could destroy the place in an hour alone."

"And the faint because you removed you inhibitor rings, releasing your chaos energy," Rouge commented.

"Hmph," I ignore her and picked a white rose.

"You're just mad you don't get to see your little Sonikku for a week," she called him something I had only heard Amy say.

"I don't call him that," I glared.

"Says the one who's about to give him a rose," I ignored her and went off on my own.

(PoV: Sonic)

I didn't bother changing out of Shadow's shirt when I went down to my living room. Apparently, everyone had gathered there.

"Morning Sonikku~" Amy grabbed my arm as soon as I walked in.

"Hey, Sonic!" Tails waved.

"Hey buddy," I yawned pulling away from Amy and her death grip.

There was a knock at the door when I was pouring myself a glass of orange juice. I didn't really care, but Silver answered it.

"Oh hi," Silver's voice wasn't as enthusiastic as before, "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing just stopping by," I knew that voice, I hated the voice, "Amy dear, how's life?"

"Leave us alone Scourge," she clung to me again, staying away from the lime hedgehog who interrupted my, already noisy, morning.

"Blue~ you look like a mess," he laughed. I just took another sip from my glass and moved Amy back a little, "You don't have to ignore me, I didn't bring Mephalis."

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