Ep 31

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  For those who can't handle harsh topics. Some sadness is going to happen in this Chapter.

(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Another month had passed and Eggman was preparing to take a city for himself. Sonic unable to fight, wasn't informed of what was going on. Shadow left to defend the city with the others. Sonic stayed with the Chaotix Detectives in the meantime. His stomach just starting to show.

"Sonic! Do you want some hot chocolate?" Charmy the Bee asked.

"Um no thanks," Sonic was feeling a bit of pain in his lower stomach, he didn't want to eat anything.

"Well while Shadow is out and busy, we'll keep you company," Vector gave Sonic a thumbs up.

"Sonic what's wrong?" Espio asked.

"N-nothing, I'm going to take a nap," Sonic walked upstairs and laid in the bed.

--- An hour later ---

  Sonic woke up in tremendous pain, tears falling down his muzzle. Tears of joy were one thing, by these were different tears. Tears of pain, fear, and anxiety. He clenched his stomach.

"I'll be coming out soon," a voice said from the back of Sonic's mind.

  The danger of tears falling down his cheeks, but he didn't care. Sonic's only thought was the pain in his stomach. It felt like someone was killing him.

"Peanut please be okay, let this just be me. Please no," he knew something was wrong, "ahh!" He shouted in pain.

"Sonic!" Vector burst in.

"Something's wrong. Charmy call an ambulance," Espio took his hand, which was intensely squeezed his, "Sonic try and take a few breaths."

"Espio, p-please," Sonic begged still sobbing, "Call Shadow... I... I need him here."

"I'll get him over here now," Vector took the phone and quickly dialed.

"Hello?" Tails answered.

"You guys and Shadow need to get back here, now! Something wrong with Sonic, he's in pain," Vector started.

"What's wrong?" Tails got frantic, "is the baby okay?"

"All I can tell you is I've never seen Sonic cry and beg like this. Chaos Control yourselves back here, like yesterday!" Vector shouted before helping Sonic downstairs.

"Shadow we have to go!" Tails shouted.

"What, why?" Rouge asked.

"Vector was just freaking out about Sonic, he said something wrong we have to leave!" Tails shouted.

  Shadow had already chaos controlled away.

"Sonic What's-?!" Shadow appeared in front of a sobbing hedgehog, and terrified Chaotix Detectives, "Sonic..."

  A pool of red under him, blood smeared over what used to be his white gloves and socks. Red covered his fur. He was clutching something to his chest, crying the hardest Shadow had ever seen him cry.

"Shadow..." his voice, extremely weak and quiet, "Peanut, she.... she's..."

"Sonic..." Shadow let tears fall down his own muzzle, holding Sonic close. He ignored the blood as the paramedics entered, "Please help them."

"Let's go!" They took Sonic away and Shadow got to ride in the back, holding Sonic's hand, "We're getting you help. Just take a few breaths."

  Sonic was carried into the white halls while Shadow was forced to stay in the waiting room.

--- A while later ---

"Shadow!" Tails ran in, Vector told them where they went. Tails stopped seeing the red on Shadow chest fur and muzzle, "- What happened? Where's Sonic?"

"I shouldn't have left him," Shadow cried.

  Panic went through everyone, none had ever seen Shadow cry.

"It wasn't your fault," Rouge hugged him, "he's going to be fine."

"Shadow the Hedgehog," a doctor stood in front of them with a nurse holding a box. Shadow instantly looked up, worry in his eyes, "Sonic is perfectly fine, but I'm sorry about the child."

"No, nonono. Peanut is fine, please tell me she's fine," Shadow panicked.

"It was a miscarriage, I'm sorry," she said, her head down, "I've often heard in tradition. To plant a tree seed with the child so he may grow as a different life, stronger an have a long life. Sonic mentioned it after we got him to calm down."

"Here, you'll want her," the nurse handed Shadow the box, "you can bring Sonic home now. I'll prescribe some pain medication for him."

  Shaodw clenched the box. The team helped Sonic home. He was in a completely depressed state. He wasn't responding to anything. Shadow laid him in bed and placed the box in the fridge. They would bury her tomorrow.

"How did you know it was a girl?" Silver asked.

"Sonic had a dream about her. He had her on the changing station, and he knew she was a girl," Shadow sighed, "I'll be upstairs with Sonic. You guys take care of yourselves."

"I feel so bad for Sonic," Tail looked at a photo of him and his blue leader, "I've never seen him like that."

  Downstairs the group conversed while morning the loss of Peanut. Upstairs, Shadow held his crying lover close.

"You're broken. Helpless, nothing can save you. Let the darkness take you already," the voice said to Sonic.

"Hey, look at me," Shadow raised Sonic's chin, "I love you, I know this is hard. We'll get through this together. I will never leave you again. Tomorrow we can have Peanut start her growth as a beautiful tree."

"I miss her so much," Sonic cried, "I love her, I love you. Damn it this sucks..."

"I know," Shadow slowly fixed Sonics quills, "Let's get you cleaned up. Okay?"

"Stay with me," Sonic cried.

"I'm just going to turn the water on," Shadow kissed the forehead of his lover and started the bath.

  Once they were both cleaned up, Shadow had Sonic rest downstairs with Rouge while he changed the bed sheets. Once the bed was made, Rouge laid Sonic down and Shadow curled up next to him. He covered sonic in a few blankets while he curled up close. Once Sonic, finally, fell asleep Shadow whispered to Rouge.

"Could you stay the night?" Shadow asked. We might need someone else to talk to," Shadow held her hand.

"I will. Take care of him, he's more fragile now," Rouge pet Sonic and left to sleep on the couch downstairs.

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