Ep 26

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(PoV: Sonic)

  My body felt hot. I felt like I was burning up, Shadow's touch was the only thing that made me feel better. I want to talk to him, but I couldn't say a thing. I sent him signals. I hugged him, moved onto his lap, and gave him a look, but he wasn't getting the message. My body was now only hot in one place. I couldn't stop rubbing my thighs together, the area above was reacting and I couldn't do anything to help. Blaze and Rouge sent Shadow a verbal message, and we left. Finally! I can give me better signals now, I sighed and he placed me onto his bed. He was walking away. I took off my sweater to cool down, the fresh air did almost nothing to help. He sat down next to me, still not getting message. Well only one choice now, I crawled over to him. The most obvious signal I could think of. I kissed him. He seemed a little shocked at first and pushed me away.

"Sonic," he was starting to annoy me with all this stopping, "you're sure you want to do this? You just started walking again."

  That confident are we? Well if what Orbot said before is true, and that started developing early... I'll just give him the message directly, I opened the drawer by his bed and threw a condom at him.

"Just remember Little Lapis, you started this one," He purred, I know. Hey, put the condom on! I stopped him and handed it back to him, "Okay I'll use it."

  I waited in he rolled it on before letting me pin me down. He kissed me, taking dominance and exploring my mouth. I moaned, even if he couldn't hear it.


  He didn't wait long to lubricate me. I flinched a little. That didn't stop him. I didn't want it to stop him. I felt a finger slip inside making me grip his dark sheets. He kissed me and I kissed back. He slipped another finger inside and I grabbed the bedpost. I let him move my legs over his, then spread them. I tried screaming his name when he officially entered me. He looked a little sad that I made no sound, I purred the little for him and he kissed me.

"..." He started trusting, hitting my sweet spot dead on, "..." I stopped trying to moan his name out loud,"...ow~" I said part of it!

"Sonic!" He stopped, "What did you just?" I stopped him and pointed down. He just nodded and kept going.

  I moaned with no sound once he caught up with where he was before. He finished and pulled out, but I wasn't done yet. He pulled off the filled condom, tied it off, and threw it away. I hugged him as soon as he came back. I felt like it should keep going.

"You should be asleep, why are you still up?" He asked, playfully twirling one of my messy quills. Do I really fall asleep after every time? I purred against him, sending signals again, "you're giving me no choice."

  He gave me that lustful smirk and sat me on a pillow, my back against the bedpost. He tied my hands behind my back and spread my legs. I felt his lips slowly press against me until my own member revealed itself. He was running it up and down with his hand while giving me a hickey on my upper shoulder where everyone would see. He moved his soft lips down the around me. I felt his tongue pressing on me, my stomach building up the tension I already had. I opened one eye, glancing to see his eyes with that same smirk on his mussel. I felt him suck harder, I shouted with no audio. My tension was released as I came. Okay... now I'm tired, I panted letting myself sink down. I yawned and Shadow untied me.

(PoV: Shadow)

  I cleaned him up a little before he passed out on my bed.

"I don't think he's ever started it before," I muttered, talking to no one in particular, "seeing his beg for more, that's another secret of his," I looked down at him, "you might be better and hiding things than I am, my little Sapphire."

--- Next day ---

(PoV: 3rd Person)

"How was Sonic last night," Rouge nudged Shadow.

"He almost said something," Shadow answer.

"Really! Sonic can you try and say it again," Rouge knelt down to where Sonic was and his face went red.

"Rouge please, it wasn't for you to hear," Shadow's mussel was slightly pink.

"Finally got the signals Shadow," Rouge laughed.

"Mr. Sonic look at the pretty flowers we found," Cream ran in and showed Sonic all the flowers she picked.

"Chao chao chao!" Cheese smiled.

"Aren't they pretty?" Sonic smiled and pick up a yellow daisy.

  Cream started laying out the flowers with Cheese. It was early and it was only, Shadow, Cream, Cheese, Rouge, and Sonic in Shadow's living room. Sonic fell asleep around 3, Tails came over once he was sleep to check on him. He ran a few tests, Sonic coming out clean each time.

"I don't get it, what did Eggman do?" Tails looked at the results, pondering what was going on with his best friend.

  There was knock on the door, Rouge opened it. Orbot and Cubot entered.

"Excuse me Tails, but I'm here to check on Sonic," Orbot looked at the tests Tails took, "he seems to be in perfect condition. Has he spoken yet."

"Almost with Shadow," Rouge said, "But why don't you tell us what that serum you pit on him does."

"Oh well I've already said be, it's only to help move his development along," Orbot pressed on Sonic's lower stomach, "it looks like things are almost done."

"It was was part of the deal," Cubot said, "You don't remember?"

"What deal?" Shadow growled.

"The deal about keeping Sonic out of battles. Wow, you really are forgetful," everyone quickly gave their full attention to Cubot, "Remember, a green hedgehog came in and said he would keep Sonic out of any battles long enough for Eggman to take over. In exchange, we had to help move Sonic's development."

"Cubot don't tell them everything," Orbot held a screen over Sonic.

"What development?" Tails asked.

"That's for you to learn later. How have his mood swings been?" Orbot asked typing something on the screen he had, "Any sexual desires?"

"His mood swing aren't so bad, Shadow can calm him down pretty easily," Tails took a look at the screen only to be shooed away, seeing nothing.

"He wanted Shadow yesterday," Rouge laughed.

"What does sexual desires mean?" Cream asked.

"Ahahaha!" Tails let out a nervous laugh, "Cream why do you pick some more flowers. I'll come get you when we're done talking."

"Okay, come on Cheese," Cream got up and skipped to the flower field outside.

"Oo~ Flowers," Cubot followed them, picking some Flowers as well.

"Now that the children are gone," Orbot looked back at Shadow, "I do hope you used protection. It's too soon and unsafe for Sonic to risk no protection."

"Yes," Shadow looked away.

"Did he say anything during the process?" Orbot turned his screen off.

"He said ow," Shadow went back to his expressionless face.

"Ow? If any he was trying to say your name," Orbot looked back at Sonic who was still sound asleep, "If you have any questions, I suggest you asked Sonic yourself. Cubot we must return."

"That didn't help much," Rouge sighed.

Ask Sonic ourselves, Shadow thought, placing his hand where Orbot had his before he left, you've got one more secret, little Lapis.

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