Ep 10

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(PoV: 3rd Person)

"Sonic you seem really happy lately," Rouge pointed out while all of them were hanging out, "Something change?"

"No, just the same old same old," Sonic had a huge grin on his face from the night before.

"You do seem really happy," Tails pointed out.

"Just had some fun in the green hill zone," Sonic replied, he remembered waking up with Shadow drooling while holding him. The thought made him want to break out laughing, "It was a really nice run."

"I hope it was you blue pinball because it's the last one you'll have," Eggman floated above them, "Robots Attack!"

  Crabots came crawling along the floor and bee-bots shot at them from above. Sonic dodged them and spin dashed a few. Tails fired a weapon at some. Knuckles punched and Amy whacked them with her piko piko hammer. Rouge screw kicked a few and Shadow just watched Sonic run around. Sonic destroyed the last robot and wiped a small cut on his cheek.

"Oh no Sonic your hurt," Amy climbed to him while Eggman retreated with a usual threat to come back, "let patch  you up."

"No thanks, it's just a scratch. It's fine," Sonic tried pulling his arm free.

  Shadow felt a bit jealous of Amy clinging to him. He would be holding Sonic tight if it weren't for Sonic being a hero. Sonic managed to get away from Amy's death grip and said he was going to get a band-aid. Shadow followed unnoticed.

(PoV: Sonic)

  I walked back into Tails's workshop for a band-aid to cover the cut so Amy would quit pestering me. I felt a huge rush as Shadow jumped me and pinned me to a more hidden wall. His touch made my heart race faster than my running did.

"Hello my Lapis," he teased.

"T-took the opportunity I see," I was still acting a little just in case.

"I don't like that fake act of yours," Shadow made me drop my guard, he wanted me for me.

"Shadow~" I moaned as he started kissing my ear so quietly.

"There's my boyfriend," that label made me so happy, "How's your cheek really feeling?" He asked releasing my ear.

"Stings a little," I answered, "nothing time won't fix."

"Let's go back to my place, have some of our own fun," Shadow's voice was so seductive, any time he said anything with that tone I wanted to do it, "put you in your favorite little outfit so I can rip it off."

"Shh," I giggled a little at his sweet talk, "someone might hear you."

"I'm not worried about that, besides they'd be hearing you loud and clear from a mile away," Shadow picked me up and I felt my face get hot as I pretended to hit him.

"Shut up," I kicked.

"Aww so cute," Rouge came in a saw us. I froze not know what to do. So I just tried getting out of Shadows grip but he was holding me really tight, "Don't worry I've seen already. I saw this very passionate kiss from Shadow," she had a photo of us!

"What do you want now?" Shadow growled. Holding me tighter.

"Nothing,  just wanted to let Sonic know that I know and that I'm the friend who's been helping Shadow get away with buying you that new outfit. After all, a guy can't buy those clothes without raising questions," Rouge handed me the photo, "You can keep it. I have another copy at home. A memory of your, first kiss right?" I nodded, "Well I'll give the group an excuse. You two have fun, and give me the details of how it goes."

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