Ep 8

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(PoV: Sonic)

  I felt such a strong rush being pinned down, but that happened yesterday. Shadow said almost nothing when he disappeared, again.

"Stupid Shadow and his little trick," I huffed smashing a pillow.

"Sonic what are you doing?" Knuckles snapped me back to reality.

"Just fluffin' the pillow so I can lay back," I lied. I laid back, annoyed from that happened yesterday.


  Shadow had me pinned, his tongue exploring my mouth after letting himself in. I felt a shiver, but I liked it. I knew Amy would kill me, even though I'm not her boyfriend, but I felt like I wanted this to continue. Shadow pulled away after making me moan like ten times.

"Goodbye," he whispered before disappearing with chaos control.

"Shadow!" I shouted.

End flashback.

I'm gonna strangle him for that, stupid Shadow and his kiss. Who just leaves after something like that. If it's goodbye kiss you end it nicely, not with a... a certain tension, I was sitting up and punching another pillow.

"Sonic I think the pillows fluffed enough," Knuckles was still there.

"I'm goin' for a run," a run always clears my mind, I left with the wind whirling behind me.

(PoV: Shadow)

  He's going to kill me after that, Shadow had his head in his hand.

"Goodbye," I said, "seriously," but if I hadn't pulled myself out of there I might have kept going.

Flashback 2:

  I had Sonic pinned. I wasn't thinking straight, but as soon as I tasted him I knew exactly what I wanted. I backed away before I let my instincts take over. I wanted to nibble his ear and hear his voice out loud, but this may have been too fast for both of us.

"Goodbye," was all I could manage to say.

  I chaos controlled myself away hearing Sonic shout my name with anger in his eyes.

End Flashback 2.

  I sighed and that lustful white bat came towards me.

"Rouge," I fixed my posture.

"Oh Shadow the dominant~ hedgehog," her words made me nervous, I had a feeling she knew, "You just left him like that. Poor sugar, Sonic's probably all emotionally confused. Well, knuckles will find out for me."

"You saw," I was right, "What do you want? A diamond? Emerald? Shaphire?"

"You mean diamond for Sonic's pure soul, emerald for his eyes, and sapphire for his royal blue fur. No, I just want the details," She sat down in front of me, "So what do you really think of Sonic."

"Annoying," adorable, I wasn't going to tell her anything real, "Cocky," sweet, "hyper," cheerful.

"Oh, that's not what this photo says," Rouge showed me the picture of us kissing.

  I growled, annoying bat.

"Rouge," I heard the obnoxious red echidna's voice coming from a communicator, "You were right, something's up with Sonic. He was hitting a pillow and disappeared on a run. I think you're right, he might be sick."

"Thanks, Knux. Talk later," She hung up and I smirked.

"You didn't tell him the truth," so she was going to bribe me.

"Nope. I lied, just like you did hun. Now, do you want me to tell Amy about your little attack or are you gonna tell me the good stuff? How long has this been going on?" Rouge bribed me and then threw questions at me.

"We haven't started anything. Yesterday was a mistake," I answered.

"Did it feel like a mistake hun?"

"... No," I wanna go back and finish what I started.

"Ask him to be yours then. Boyfriend and boyfriend, and do tell me when you have sex," Rouge laughed.

"I won't tell you a thing when we do," I grunted.

"Oh so you want to," she caught me in a trap.

"You little," I snarled.

"Listen Shadow, Sonic is seen as mobius's hero. He'll most likely want to keep this secret otherwise the press would ask as many questions and more from the news. So if you ever want to buy him a gift take me with you so it looks like I'm forcing you to shop," she cut me off, but it wasn't a bad idea for holidays.

"There is one thing."

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