Ep 9

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(PoV: 3rd Person)

  Sonic went home after a few hours of running around. His frustration faded and he had picked a daisy while he was running.

  Shadow showed up at Sonic's doorstep, and he knocked.

"Hello?" The hero yawned opening the door, "Shadow," he quickly frowned.

"May I come in?" Shadow asked politely, "There's something me need to talk about."

"..." Sonic growled at him and let him in, "What do you wanna talk about?"

"I know I just disappeared the other day, but it was a mistake. I didn't know what I was doing."

"Umm. Yes, it was a mistake, you did all that and said nothing. You know how annoying that is?" Sonic replied instantly.

"Just stay quiet hedgehog," Shadow growled making Sonic back down, "No that's not... don't..." He could get out what he wanted to say, "just take this. I'll keep us, a secret until we're ready. You're ready, to be who you are with everyone."

"Shadow," Sonic took the box wrapped in black paper from Shadow.

  He untied the red ribbon and opened the box. It was a new tan brown headband and a yellow knit top.

"It just sits on your shoulders, no sleeves, I think its a poncho," Shadow had a light blush as he looked away.

"I love it," Sonic read the card and blush covered his face, "B-Boyfriend and boyfriend. It'll be a wonderful secret."

"So yes?" Shadow looked at Sonic who was already changing and looked away, "You should change in your room."

"I wear nothing all the time, so I don't really care," Sonic let the almost invisible straps sit on his shoulder and the rest flowed around his chest and arms, "done."

  Shadow turned around to see Sonic with the new outfit on. The thick trim at the top started below his shoulders and the bottom trip nearly covered the tip of his tail. Shadow practically had a nosebleed.

"Ahem," Shadow cleared his throat, "You look um..."

"Thanks, Shadow," Sonic hugged him around his torso, "It nice and soft."

"Well this creamy yellow just fit you so perfectly, I had to get it," Shadow hugged Sonic back, I think I'll take him tonight. But just a little, Shadow thought as he ran his fingers through Sonic's quills, "So where shall we take this?"

"S-Shadow, that's too soon," Sonic pushed away playfully.

"And what were you thinking of?" Shadow teased and he grabbed Sonic and sat back with Sonic on his lap, "You hiding a dirty mind to?"

"Shadow!" Sonic laughed as Shadow tickled him.

(PoV: Sonic)

  I felt happy having Shadow hold me. Of course, when I agreed to us being together part he sorta changed right away. I still enjoyed this. Now if he could just stop tickling my neck and chest with his love bites, that would be great, I thought through my laughs. He had my hands pinned down and was nipping me to make me laugh, I need to catch my breath. Shadow!

"S-shadow, mh ahaha w-wait," I couldn't stop my laughing to say a full sentence, "I-I... Ahah! I can't... b-breathe..."

"Now that your mine I don't think I can let you go," Shadow stopped tickling me and just held me, "You'll just stay with me."

"Yeah, that sounds~ nice," I yawned and nuzzled into the soft, silky white fur on his chest.

  He didn't say anything and I started falling asleep.

(PoV: Shadow)

  He's too cute like this, I watched my little lapis fall asleep in my arms. I waited until his breathing was stable and picked him up carefully. His head still rested against my chest, and his arms her folded over his stomach. I held his upper back in one arm and his legs in the other. I laid him down on the bed and remember the scorched paper I saw before. No, I can't betray his trust now. I'll ask when there's a good time, I just look at my adorable new mate and laid next to him as I wrapped the blanket around us.


I love you both Sonic and Shadow. But I love you more together. Don't worry this is not the end of the story. It's too cute I wouldn't dare end it so soon. See you guys in the next Episode. Chow 😉

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