Ep 20

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(PoV: Sonic)

  I hated it when Shadow leaves for his missions. I felt lonely, even when I was out with the gang. I missed him, and it had only been 3 days.

"You miss him don't you?" Blaze sat next to me. I only nodded yes, "It's only a few more days until he's back. And a few more hours before he chaos controls back for the night."

"I know, but it's not the same. I see him at night, but when I wake up he's gone," I sighed.

"Well at least it's not forever," she cheered me up.

"Hey guys," Tails looked up from his computer, "the others a battling Eggman. That might make you feel better Sonic."

"Yeah, let's go," I got up and we hopped onto Tails's plane outside, leaving to help fight.

(PoV: Shadow)

"Rouge ignore the jewels and let's go. I'm trying to wrap this up early for a reason," I growled. She was distracted by a jewelry shop, "Damn bat."

"Fine, but you really should take a look. There was a really nice diamond necklace," Rouge pointed back to the shop behind us.

"I'm not looking for a necklace," I grunted and held my red chaos emerald, maybe I should give him something else. He might say no, it is really early in this, "I'm not asking him."

"What? Why not?" Rouge ran in front of me.

"It's too early, the chances of him saying yes are still slim," I answered, "but later on, I will."

"Well, in that case, you should still bring him something. Like a chaos emerald amulet to protect him when on next leave on a long mission," she pointed to the chaise emerald, "You have two, why not give him one?"

"Hmph," I might do just that, I took out the other yellow emerald, red, red suits him best in this case.

---Night Fall---

(PoV: Sonic )

  The was finally setting. I don't think I've ever been so happy for the day to end. Everyone went home, other than Blaze and Tails. Those two were really the other others who knew what was going on. I started pacing, I didn't want to wait for him to show up.

"Sonic maybe you could make something, you know to pass the time," Tails suggested.

"Yeah, you could bake cookies or something," Blaze added on.

"Yeah, yeah, baking. I know how to make cookies, I'll do that," I took Blazes offer and looked around my kitchen for ingredients, "flour, eggs, um... vanilla, oh chocolate chips. Sugar wait it's brown sugar, where'd I put it? Oh right, top shelf," I climbed onto the counter to reach for the brown bag.

"... control," I loved that deep voice, "Tails, Blaze. Lapis what are doing?"

"Trying to get the brown sugar for cookies," I finally grabbed that bag, but it was open, getting covered in the golden brown grains, "Aww man."

"Blaze could you take Tails back home, I've got a sweet treat waiting for me," Shadow said, I knew exactly what he meant.

"Tails let's go," Blaze took Tails and started to leave.

"Aww I wanted cookies," he complained.

"Thays not the kinda sweet treat Shadow's after," her comment made me blush in embarrassment.

"Eww," Tails said as the door closed.

"Kids," Shadows kept me on the counter and took the bag, putting down, "so then, how's was your day."

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