1-2: Badass Women

719 16 7

Los Angeles, California

April 22, 2011


The Stark Expo.

Just about her way for Tony's ego to go higher than the moon. He can be so aggravating. But still, Astra loves her brother. So, she decided to support him by standing backstage. Hearing her brother in his suit over all the loud music and screeching from the fans. She rolled her eyes at his huge ego.

Last night she got another vision. A tornado in the middle of a small town and some oddly dressed people standing beside her. And, like always, she went went to her safe haven to draw it out and write it down. But staying up so late wasn't a good idea.

Since she graduated from M.I.T. at age 15, Astra has committed her time to S.H.I.EL.D. Spending her free time on her technology and watching movies, really. Keeping her abilities a secret from her brother kills her. He already doesn't like the idea of her working at S.H.I.E.L.D., and technically he shouldn't even know that. She can't imagine his reaction if he found out about her abilities.

Tony introduced their father on the screen and walked over backstage. "Nice entrance, I don't remember the rehearsal being that flashy." Astra stated with a playful smile, hoping to get a response. Instead feeling a little hurt when he pushed past her. "Okay, then. Well, I'm gonna take off. Let me know how the Committee thing goes, 'kay?" She made a 180 degree turn to face him. "Tony?" She sang, trying to gain his attention.

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later." He said back. Is he trying to hide something? Astra questioned in her head. Since Afghanistan, the two siblings have been thick as thieves. They told each other everything, almost. It was a playful relationship, but it was always like someone was keeping something from the other.

"Bye, I hate you." She joked and took a few side steps toward the door to her left.

"Hate you, too." He called out, hearing the faint beep of the door opening.

Astra left the building, immediately being hit with flashes from the cameras and people asking questions. She gracefully avoided them as her black Audi got pulled up. She goes around from the front, closing the door of the car and drove off.

Astra's known that Tony has been acting strange. But, she also knew not to push for an answer. Thinking the whole expo thing is and a waste of money and time, she sighed.

"JARVIS?" She spoke, getting back on task.

"Yes miss?" The AI responded.

"Call Coulson."

"Right away."

Astra waited a while to the sound of the phone ringing. "Agent Stark." Coulson answered, finally.

"Just left, have you sent in the assignment yet?" She questioned, her eyes sticking to the road in front of her.

"You're detailed assignment is being sent to you right now."

"Which is?" Astra raised an eyebrow, being accumulated to getting briefed before reading the file.

"There's a man that's been selling weapons illegally to unknown groups. Take him out."

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