1-11: What the FUCK IS THAT?

341 7 3

Puente Antiguo, New Mexico

June 2, 2011


Astra made it right to the city right as the machine shot a 7/11. "There goes my slurpee." She breathed out. Her attention is drawn by man who was flung into the air yelling 'For Asgard' only to be slapped to the side. Then a lady jumps on top it stabs it in the back.

The machine seemed to power down. But then it tuned back on and turned itself to face the female with black hair.

She runs away and the machine started blasting toward her, not caring about the damage to the city. Before it could hit a building Astra decided to intervene. She felt her energy course through herself. Her physical looks changed as she formed a throwing knife in her hand and threw it a it's head.

"Over here, metal head!" She grabbed it's attention. It moved the blasts in her direction and she jumped out of the way and into a convenient store, rolling swiftly on the floor and standing up. "Well, isn't this convenient." She made a pun, that earned herself a smile.

She scanned the shelves for anything useful. Hearing an explosion she concluded that she ran out of time and jumped out the window.

She landed safely and slid over a car. Creating a whip to wrap its legs in it and pulled, causing the machine to fall.

Astra tried to keep a hold of it but it broke through. "Shit." She mumbled to myself. It stood back up and stared at her. Realizing how fucked she was, Astra backed away and broke into a sprint. Running into the lady in armor.

"Are you alright." She asks, in an accent.

"What the FUCK IS THAT?" Astra exclaimed.

"It is the Destroyer, from Asgard."

"Asgard?" She whispered, furrowing her eyebrows.

"My realm." The other female added to Astra's confusion

"REALM?" She looked to see the strange man from the other day walk up to the Destroyer. "Who is that?"

"Thor." She answered with a smile. "Prince of Asgard. A great warrior."

"Damn." Astra then looked back at the scene, trying to process the facts.

Thor spoke to the Destroyer. The atmosphere calmed down as it turns off and turned around to walk away. It must have been a trick, since seconds later it turned back around, throwing Thor back and Jane ran towards him.

The atmosphere gets gloomy as Thor's body went limp. The Destroyer walked away, satisfied.

"Okay, now what is that?" Astra asked the female warrior next to her as a tiny speck flew over toward the group.

"Jane." Dr. Selvig called and dragged her away from Thor.

As the speck gets closer Astra got a better look at it, realizing that it was the 0-8-4, traveling at an incredible speed. The supposably dead Thor grabbed it before it hit him and lightning was summoned towards it.

While everyone smiles, Astra may have just fainted. He mouth hung low ad her eyes could have popped out go her head.

"And here I thought I was the strangest thing the world had to offer." She whispered.

Thor flew up the forming tornado while the group stayed on the ground watching. Astra watched what was viewable. So all she did see was an explosion of some sort coming from the two. The Destroyer fell to the ground in a not so graceful way, causing a lot of dust to fly and Thor walked out of it heroically.

"Is this how you normally look?" Jane asked him.

"More or less."

"Thats a good look." She said mostly to herself, thinking she was being discreet while scanning his body.

"We must go to the Bifrost site." Thor told his friends. "I would have a word with my brother." His friends nodded in agreement.

"Excuse me," Coulson called. "Donald. I don't think you've been completely honest with me."

"Know this Son of Coul, you and I we fight for the same cause the protection of this world, your friend here," Thor said referring to the brunette agent. "has proved that, from this day forward you can count me as your ally. If you return the items you have taken from Jane." He bargained.

"Stolen." She corrected.

"Borrowed." Coulson then corrected her. "Of course you can have your equipment back. You're gonna need it to continue your research." Jane smiled.

"You," Thor turned to Astra. "what is you name?"

"Astra." She answered, a little confused on how randomly timed the question was.

"Astra." He repeated her name. "These powers you possess, how did you get them?"

"I have no fucking clue." She shook her head slightly. Again, still a bit confused at this random question.

"Are they alien?"

"Alien?" She repeated the word. "Is that even possible?"

"Well, however you have them. They are extraordinarily." He complimented.

"Thanks." Astra accepted the compliment, a bit slowly.

"Would you like to see the bridge we spoke of." Thor turned to Jane.

She looked surprised for a moment. "Uh, sure." She laughed, Thor spun his hammer and flew up, Jane in his arms.

"I don't know what I believe in anymore." Astra voiced, staring up at the sky.

"Me too." Coulson responded looking at the same place Astra was.

The others that were part of Thor's little team left to go after them while S.H.I.E.L.D stayed back. "Okay!" Astra looked at her boss. "Can we go home now?"

"I guess so." Coulson responded, still looking up at the sky.


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