5-86: You Maniac

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Ravager Ship

January 18, 2016


The soft noted of a guitar hummed through the Ravager ship tauntingly. Astra and Rocket have just finished installing Yondu's fin onto his blue head. Now that Astra's ropes were gone, the red marks were very visible on her skin and some of the blood had dried. May leave a permanent mark on her skin, but, it was another story to tell when she gets home.

She pulled on her fingerless gloved, creating a bowstaff in her right hand and giving it a good twirl. Two Ravagers walked into the cell, before she could completely pull out their guns, Yondu whistled and his arrow obeyed to his command and plunged into both chests.

The men wobbled a bit before falling completely. The four started walking forward, Rocket spotting a silver gun on the floor. "He's got it! Yondu's got the fin!" Taserface's gruff voice sounded in the intercoms.

Astra's bowstaff was resting on her shoulders, and her her arms resting on the staff as she walked down the hallway beside Yondu and Groot. A large group came charging towards them without a strategy. Yondu didn't even give them the benefit of the doubt when his arrow went through them all in the span of 8 seconds.

"Down there." One man yelled, stopping the four. Again, not giving them a chance, Yondu whistled and bodies flew down the levels of the ship. "Is killing them really necessary?" Astra wondered.

"Gives things a little twist." Yondu responded.

Groot seemed to find a target, leaving Yondu's shoulder to chase a man 20x his own size. The man fell down the level moments later and Groot fell right onto Astra's shoulder. They followed Yondu into the surveillance room and the looked at the multiple blue screens, all showing some sort of commotion from the Ravagers. Yondu whistled and his arrow went through the wall, using the surveillance cameras as maps to hit each one of them.

Soon, Rocket joined in. His blaster shooting through the walls and the two maniacs laughed and killed all around them while laughing. "I'm not gonna lie," Astra stared at them with confused and horrified eyes. "I'm a little scared of them."

Yondu noticed Taserface through the camera, shooting his arrow which caught on fire once he whistled a short 6 note tune. Taseface dodged it and laughed victoriously, well, until the flamed arrow his the gas tank.

"You maniac." Rocket realized once it was too late and the ship started to explode. "The whole ship's gonna blow."

Yondu grinned like he was the cleverest man alive. "Not the whole ship." He informed, grabbing his arrow and walking out the room.

"This plan is so disorganized." Astra muttered, following behind Yondu. The brunette had no intensions of ding because she was caught by a group of space pirates and the ship blew up from a horrible escape plan.

"Release the Quadrent!" Yondu ordered Kraglin the moment they enter the sector.

"Yes, Captain." He immediately responded, rushing to get the quadrant going.

"Astra, isn't there somthingyou can do?" Rocket yelled, sliding into a seat.

"You know how my powers work, Rocket." Astra shouted back, also sliding into a seat and strapping in, and setting Groot on his own seat. Before the explosion could spread completely to their quadrant, it disconnected from the rest and flew off. The larger part of the ship exploded completely.

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