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Calum's POV

The three boys suddenly stopped everything they were doing and stated right at me, all of the various instruments stopping, making Michael's basement too damn quiet for my comfort level.

Girls don't often talk to me unless its to say something shitty, but those girls are never so pretty.

Im pretty outcasted, and no pretty girl looks at me for the first time, so let alone the idea of a second glance.

But that girl, whatsername, had a full out conversation with me, and stared me in the eyes.

I mean, it may not have been the way I wanted, but hey, it was something at least.

"A girl? Who is it? Is she hot?" Ashton breaks the silence by asking.

Typical Ashton.

Other people would think Ashton is an innocent cupcake, but us four are ourselves around each other, and other people have wrong impressions.

I picture that girl, who's name i still don't know, again in my mind like I have a million times in the past four hours.

"Well, uhm..." I ruffle my hair a little bit and whisper my answer, "yes. But, but she hates me."

I grab a pillow from the arm of the red sofa I'm sitting on, beside all the guitars, and scream out my frustration into it.

"Why is this happening?"

"Callllllll, do you have a crushhhhh?" Luke sing-songed.

The three boys laughed really hard, knowing that I don't believe in love or any of that sappy shit.

It's all just for popularity and to pass time, in my mind, and that's completely useless.

I laugh along with them, but then, I painfully remember what had just occurred a few hours earlier in the cafeteria, and how I strangely felt...what the hell was I even feeling?

I shake my head. "I can't. Not on her."

I jump up, startled, and pace back and forth across the room.

"Its okay Calum. Chill. We won't make jokes." Luke assured me, gesturing to sit back down beside him on the sofa, and I oblige.

Michael looks at me as if he's asking permission to come comfort me (no matter what I respond with, he would anyways).

Michael comes up to me, kneels beside me in front of the sofa arm, and whispers "What happened?"



A week before Christmas break.

Probably one of the most perfect times for normal people.

Almost away from school, less work to do, and they all still have friends their nearby.

For me, it's absolute hell.

The boys never hang out with me at school, so I'm just casually sitting alone on the floor by a windowsill at lunch, like always.

But it seems to me, that this is the most favored time for anyone to come and spit up some ridiculously stupid but still incredibly hurtful insult to me.

I don't let it get to me on the outside, but it's always eating up my insides and pulling me apart, and I'm just sitting here, waiting for the day I break.

"You're such a nerd Calum. But even nerds have friends. You're just a loner." Says some stupid jock with a cheerleader giggling on both sides if his folded arms.

One of the girls, an ugly blond, joins in once she sees my sudden but momentary frown,"Why so upset douchbag?"

The three of them laugh obnoxiously.

The other one, looks at me with a smirk. She has dark hair, and I can't tell if it's black or insanely dark brown. Her matching eyes roll as she mocks my face and says, "It's pathetic that you don't even attempt to shut anyone up."

I can't tell exactly what it is about her, but for some reason, her words cut me like a blade. And I know that it's not just her choice of words, i've heard that same old insult so many times, that I know it's her, herself that hurt me like that.

My stomachs churns in knots and I'm incapable of speaking at all, just my dull eyes staring into her beautiful ones.

The asshole jock pulls both of the girls in and kisses both on the cheeks, a little bit deeper and longer than I would consider friendly for the dark haired/eyed girl.

The blond scurries away, and I'm left looking up at the guy in the letterman jacket, and the girl that, I swear, killed me just with a piercing glare at me.

"Why are you still here asshole?" I stand up and say to the guy before I can shut my own mouth up.

The girl looks at me, and gasps.

She approaches me, fiercely calling me out on my words.

"What did you just call my boyfriend, you douche?"

Regularly, I would shut my mouth and pretend I said nothing. I mean, I have those stupid little outbursts often when I feel the urge to be...different.

But right now, I really would rather not stay quiet. I'd rather speak out.

What even is this girl doing to me?

"I called him an asshole. What are you going to do about it?"

I stand up, and notice a decently sized crowd of around ten people gathered around us three, probably hearing our argument and wanting some good drama.

Stupid high school.

Her left eye twitches and she comes so close to me, that I swear, if she weren't so clearly pissed off at me, I would think she was about to kiss me.

Why do I want that so badly?

But nope.

She calms herself down, shoves me just the tiniest bit, and spits out "If you ever call him that again, I will not hesitate to kick your living ass. And don't think that just because I'm a cheerleader or a girl, I don't know how to do that."

She flips her shoulder length hair and starts to walk away.

The crowd begins to fade.

And I'm left alone again.

Like always.

~End Of Flashback~


Woah dramaaaa

Let's be clear guys, Denna is actually a really nice person lol, I just have to make her seem like an ass in this to make it good haha

Uhhhh, so how was this?

I'm gonna update every other day, but Denna pointed out that I forgot yesterday, so I made this longgg

Yeah... hope you like it so far


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