thirty nine

21 2 2

Denna's POV

"Where is he?" I ask impatiently right when I get to Michael's front door.

"Basement, follow me."

"We both go down to the basement as fast as we can and I see Calum lying on the couch. Ashton sits on the floor and Luke is my Calum's head, slowly massaging his forehead

"Is he okay? What the hell happened?"

I see Ashton stand up and come towards me and Michael.

"Passed out. He drank too much." he replies sadly.

"Why did he drink? What?"

The three of them all look at each other and give each other looks that they seem to understand, but with my history of reading a guys face, I still can't figure out what they mean.

Luke points at me and it becomes clear.

"It was because of me wasn't it?"

They all turn towards me with their heads hung low.

Ash nodds, and I fall to the floor crying.

"This is all my fault. Damn it."

They all crowd around me.

"It's fine Denna, he just didn't want to lose you." Luke comforts me with an arm around my shoulder.

"Trust me, tell him you want him back and he'll be yours again." Michael assures me, wiping my tears away with his sweater paw.

"Stay until he wakes up. He'll love you for it." Ashton finishes off with a light, friendly kiss to my forehead.

I look at them all the same time, and they look at me with a reassuring smile.

They're right Denna, how could they possibly be wrong? They are his best friends after all.

"Are you guys sure you're fine with me staying until then?"

"Positive." Michael smiles.

Damn his friends are nice.

"Mmmmm." mumbles a voice.

We all stand up and look at Calum.

He stirrs a little, then stops and mumbles out "I screwed up."

The boys look at me, and Ashton whispers, "That's your cue."

I go towards Calum and the others all go up the stairs to get away from the train wreck that's sure to come.

"C-Calum?" I say. sitting down on the arm of the sofa closest to his head.

The last time I sat here was just a few hours ago, and it didn't go well.

"Get away Michael, I'm not talking to anyone until I make it right with her." he replies, with his eyes still closed.

"I'm not Michael."

His eyes dart open as he finally realizes it's me.

He jumps up and sits down on the spot closest to the arm I'm on.

"Oh shit Denna. Damn it please tell me you forgive me."

I look into his dark eyes and sees his pupils dilating at the sight of me, his lip beginning to quiver, and his hands running frantically through his hair.

I don't know what to reply with.

He looks like he wants me back, but why? He broke up with me.

My mouth starts creating words faster than my brain can process them.

"What even to you happened a few hours ago? I mean, you said you needed space and then, and then you got drunk? You're the one who broke up with me and it's literally four hours later and you're asking for me back?"

He looks down, and hides his eyes from my sight by covering them with a hand.

I hear his sniffle ever-so-softly, and I know that I screwed up what I said.

Ignoring that I screwed up, I quickly continue, "Calum, I'm just so confused. Why do you want me back?"

He turns to the cup of water just past me and I hand it over, and watch as he quickly drinks it all down.

He takes a deep breath.

"Denna, for gods sake, you know too much about me. You made such an impact on my life in what, a month? You've changed me for the better, gotten me to start wanting to get better. These boys haven't changed me for the better ever in my life and I've known them all my life. They've only made some parts feel a little less like hell. But they don't always do a good job, I mean, do you see me?" You're what's good for me. You're what was keeping me strong. I just fell apart without you even though it was only three hours and I'll keep falling because I know you won't take me back and I know you won't even consider it but you mean too much for me to lose."

He's crying so hard by the end, and it kills me to stare into his eyes but I know I have to.

He quickly looks away and whispers one last thing so softly I barely heard it, but I know it was said.

"And I love you."

I want to say the words right back, but I can't make myself to.


He shakes his head and wipes away tears, faking a smile.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"

I cut him off by crashing my lips against his.

He smiles into the kiss and I know he's figured I want him back.

"I love you back." I mumble.

He backs away, and looks at me.

"I love you back." I repeat, in case he misheard me.

"Damn Denna, I love you."

He comes close to kiss me again, but my phones ringer goes off and cuts me off before I get a chance.

I look at it.

My eyes widen, and I mentally curse myself for all the drama that's about to happen.

It's James.

I quickly put it back into my back pocket and fake a smile to Calum.

"Who was that?"



this chapter was so hard to write bc I barely had time and every time I started I would end up crying bc wow this is making me emotional af




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