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Calums POV

"Denna, tell me."

She smiles at me with her teeth showing and her eyes squished while she says "No one. I'm telling you."

The face tells it all.

She's lying.

"Fine, if it was nothing, pass me your phone." I test her, seeing how severe her lies are.

She'll come up with a big excuse if it's something important she doesn't want to tell me.

She'll pass it if it's just 'no one'


That's enough for me to know it's a lie, so I take it from her anyways.

"CALUM THOMAS HOOD. GIVE IT BACK!" her voice cracks.

I block out the rest of her screaming and look through her phones for her calling app.

Once I find it, I open it

All the recent are flooded with someone with the contact name 'James' with a heart-eyes emoji.

Heart eyes emoji?

And there's no James at our school?

She doesn't do anything outside of school, she couldn't make friends there?

And heart-eyes emoji?

Is she cheating on me?

I look up at her, and her mascara is spilled down to her chin.

"Denna? What the bloody hell?" I yell, making the three boys come running down the stairs.

"Calum! What happened?" Luke asks frantically.

I cross my arms and glare at Denna.

"Dens, why don't you answer?"

She looks at me, with no emotion left, like I sucked it all out of her.

But I look at her, with all the emotion I can give.

All the hatred I can give.

"Calum let me explain it!" she screams, pulling some of her hair.

Explain? There's nothing to explain anymore.

"What happened guys?" Ashton asks again.

"Nothing." she says, looking over at the guys watching from the bottom of the stairs across the room.

I stay looking at her and say "She's cheating on me."

"Calum! Stop! I'm not!"

"Oh yeah? Then what's up with heart eye emojis around a guy, a guy I've never heard of's, contact name?"

She closes her eyes and huffs.

"I met him today."

Luke whistles, completely killing the mood.

"Shut up Lucas." Michael says for me, shoving Ashton and Luke and himself back up the stairs. "We'll let you finish this little whatever here. Call us when you're done."

They leave, and I turn to Denna.

"What do you mean you just met him today?"

"I mean that I was so pissed off at you, I wanted to just, get away from anything that reminded me of you. I ended up somewhere that seems forever away, and I went into a shopping mall and walked around. It didn't help clear my head so I sat down on a bench and there he was. Next thing I know we're friends." she smiles.

Her smile is fake.

Which means either she's lying, or she didn't tell the full story.

"Denna, is that all?"

She raises her eyebrows at me, her eyes widening ever so slightly.

A common thing she does when she's lying.


I smirk at her.

"You're lying."

She looks hurt.

"Don't you trust me Calum?

"Well, you have another guy with a damn heart eye emoji in your phone. Should I trust you? I mean, you basically did just cheat on me."

"No I didn't! I told you what happened!"

I know she didn't tell me the whole story, and I intend in finding out.

"You're still hiding something."

"What am I hiding?" She tests.

"I don't know. But you make it obvious. What happened in all the calls from him?"

She looks at me, not wanting to speak.

She opens her mouth, and closes it again, repeating for about a minute.

"We both know you can talk Denna."

She looks down.

"I give up on lying to you. He asked me out on a date."


Denna's my girl.

This James guy can screw off, Denna is mine and he needs to accept that.

Wait a minute.

"Does he know about me?"

Did it run through her mind that she just got out of a relationship?

"No." she looks down.


"So did you think of me at all in any of this time? Did you consider the fact that I exist?"

To be honest to myself, it stings that she didn't think of me.

"You wouldn't care, you broke up with me."

"Well I want you to break up with him."

She looks at me in disbelief, she wart me right though.

"We were never together."

Doesn't matter.

"Then stop talking to him."

She gapes at me.

"I'm not going to do that."

"Why not? Do you love him too much?" I start to raise my voice.

"Don't be insane Calum."

"I'm serious. Leave me. Run away with him. At least he makes you happy."

She's crying even more by now.

"Calum I-"

"Get out."



I wrote this all just now be proud of me.

I need to learn to update more.




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