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Denna's POV

The past little while has been a blur.

I don't know the time, or the day, or the month for that matter.

All I know is these white walls and light curtains surrounding me, accompanied by the ticking noise of the machine on a stick thats hooked up to my hand with a needle.

The curtains shake a little, and a lady dressed in white with a bit of blue comes in the room, beside a man wearing a matching outfit.

"She's conscious again, good." the lady says to the man, who's looking down at a clipboard in his left hand and writing something into it really fast.

The accent is not American like mine, and it takes me a second to remember that I live in Australia now, not Washington.

"W-Where am I?" I manage above a squeak, looking around that the brightness and the lights.

"You're in the Sydney Hospital silly. You passed out outside a Starbucks almost a week ago, and your boyfriend found you and rushed you here."

I look at the two in front of me, assuming they're the doctor and nurse, but all I can think of is the fact that they specified 'boyfriend'

"B-Boyfriend? I don't h-have a boyfriend..."

The doctor flips through the pages on his clipboard.

"The paperwork here says it was filled out by Calum Thomas Hood-Boyfriend."

I shake my head at much as I can without it feels like it's about to explode.

"What? Is he here? I'd like to speak to him."

"He's hardly left the waiting room. I don't think he's even gone out to eat food." the doctor says.

The nurse runs out the room, answering my question, "I'll go get him."

I impatiently wait as the doctor takes the needle out of my hand, and tells me to stretch my fingers a bit to make sure they aren't too stiff, and I oblige, feeling the numbness disappear, being replaced by feelings.

Suddenly, a familiar face pops out of the curtains.


"I'll leave you two alone." the doctor awkwardly says, backing away, and rushing out from the curtains.

"Calum, what happened to me?"

My voice came out quietly and barely even as a voice.

"You mean, you really don't remember?" he frowns.

"Ummmm no? What was I supposed to remember?"

He looks at me with an unreadable expression, shaking his head and asking "What's the last thing you remember happening."

"I-The-I think it was being called out of second period to talk to the principal."

"Thats it? That was days ago, and way before the incident."

What am I missing?

Something big had to have happened for me to actually be here right now.

And the way he referred to it as an incident.

"Did I miss something big?"

"You, you protected me from this girl at Starbucks. You attacked her, and took a punch to the gut, to the head and to the neck. Man that girl was violent. Anyways, you lost a lot of blood, and they thought you would wake up in a few hours, but, you didn't, and they think something worse happened, but they don't know yet."

"I, I did?"

Calum used his shaky hands to grab mine and force a smile while saying "You did, and she was basically assaulting me, so, thank you."

He stares into my eyes a bit, and I return it. He has beautiful eyes, and he is a pretty amazing guy.

Stop it Denna. Stop. Don't feel towards this boy.

He awkwardly leans in a bit, looking like he's about to kiss me.

I want to scream.

He's not my boyfriend, and I'm not supposed to have feelings for him.

If I kiss him, it'll just get so complicated and I don't think I can handle that.

I don't like him.

Get your shit together Denna, you don't like Calum.

Just as his lips almost connect with mine, and I'm ready to scream, the doctor peeks in, making a squeaking noise with his shoe hitting the tile, scaring us both and making Cal jump back a few feet.

"Oh, didn't mean to interrupt anything."

Thank you doctor dude.

"No no it's fine haha don't worry about it." I assure him genuinely.

He just saved me from a whole lot of awkwardness.

I don't want to kiss Calum. I don't want to kiss Calum. I don't want to kiss Calum. I DO NOT want to kiss Calum.

I repeat the thought over and over again in my head, knowing that every time I see him, the thought gets farther and farther from the truth.

"Denna, if you don't mind, i'd like to ask a few questions just to check up."

I fake a smile.

"No problem."

Calum sneaks out of the room, and I'm glad.

"How are you feeling?"

I mean, a guy that I basically despised two weeks ago just tried to kiss me and I'm trying to convince myself I don't want to kiss him. So pretty normal actually.

"Alright I guess."

"That was a long pause." No shit it was, "Do you feel abnormally warm or cold?"

Abnormally hot from being so close to a pair of caring lips for a first. Steph is the only one who cares about me. And I wouldn't kiss her.


"How's your breathing?"

I'm literally breathless from Calum trying to kiss me.

"Feels normal."

"You seem pretty alright, but you did lose a lot of blood and there was a minor heart failure. Nothing too bad, but don't do much physical activity for a few days. Take it easy, and stay on bedrest. You should be okay soon."

I nod my head and the doctor tells me I'm free to go, so I change out of the ugly robe and back into my normal clothes and walk out the room, seeing a familiar head of brown hair and a warm smile.

And now, to face Calum.


I've had a looooooooong day but I wouldn't give up until I had a hella rad chapter for my hella rad readers.

this fanfiction is actually pretty good and I feel like it only gets better from here on so... yeah

I'm having laptop breakup issues

I miss my bae (laptop wont turn on)


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