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Denna's POV

I drive back home in my dads old convertible that he gave to me so he wouldn't need to be my chauffeur any longer.

As I drive up the all too familiar roads, I worry about what my parents will say to me when I get home.

They were expecting me to come back today with my boyfriend, but they somehow have the mislead idea that my boyfriend is a nerd-type, and actually my boyfriend.

Well, my so-called 'boyfriend' isn't actually that bright, despite how glorified his grades seem. Oops.

Not to mention the fact that my 'boyfriend' is so not an actual boyfriend, we're nothing to each other.

My parents aren't exactly pleasant, but they sure as hell aren't understanding.

Suddenly, my iPhone starts to ring.

I lift it up and see the tacky contact name that the cheer squad added Nathan as to make us seem more coupley.

It's gross.

"Ugh" I groan, but I still pick it up anyways.

"Hey Denna!" he says way too perkily.

He must be near other people.

"Hey Nate.What's up?"

"Mmmmm nothing, just dropping a friend off at his friend. OKAY BYE!"

I faintly hear a car door closing, and Nathan's voice gets all-too dark and scary "Now tell me what happened."

I know exactly what he's talking about, but I seriously can't tell him about how my parents don't know that Nathan (a stupid football player) is the one i'm dating, or the fact that they don't know about the whole scandal at all.

And he doesn't understand that I just can't tell them. They're way too...scary.

"Nothing happened..." I try to say as I pull onto our driveway and turn off the engine.

But he interrupts me.

"Don't use that with me idiot, I know that something happened. What else would you and Steph have been talking about?"

"Shit" i curse under my breath, not realizing I said it out loud while on the phone with him.

"Are you going to tell me or do I need to drive to your house to get you to answer?"

My eyes widen as he says those words.

"NO!" I practically yell.

"Fine?" he seems confused, and I honestly don't blame him one bit. I would be too if I were him. "Just tell me."

"I'm sorry, I just..."

"You just what? Stop stalling and answer my damn question!"

I have literally no idea what to say right now.

He won't understand it.

"I can't tell you. I'm sorry."

I hear a honk from his side of the line, and him cursing me out.

I know he's the one who should say sorry, but I feel the need to apologize.

"Look. I said i'm sorry! But can you calm down? Please?" I start to cry pathetically.

Sharply, he reply's "No."

With that the line goes dead.

And i'm left alone with my thoughts again. And my thoughts are telling me that I seriously need to find someone to introduce to my parents, so they don't get absolutely pissed at me.

"Shit shit shit," I say as i scroll through my contact list for any guys I might have the numbers of, "...and they already know all these guys." I say to the silence surrounding me.

Then, I get a genius idea.


But then I remember that he's probably the one person in the entire universe that isn't in my contacts.

"Well shit. I'm screwed." I say, again to the empty car.

I quickly open Google and search for Calum Hood in

Once I find the proper phone number, I dial it.

One ring, two ring, three ring...

I start to lose hope in him picking up.

Four ring, five ring...


The voice undeniably belongs to Calum, hands down.

"Oh my god okay hi it's Denna."

"How did you get my number?!" he asks, alarmed.

Right, that might be a bit stalkerish.

"Umm Google? I need a favor Calum."

"Don't you mean loser?"


"I'm sorry Calum!"

I'm pretty sure everyone is currently mad at me.

"Sorry isn't going to fix that. I always heard that you were a good person, clearly I heard wrong."

"Listen Cal, I-"

"Don't call me Cal. You don't deserve the right."

"Ugh, fine. Calum, I seriously need a favor."

"Well forget it, i'm already doing you a favor by aggreeing to tutor you. You're lucky i'm not able to get out of that mess, but another favor?"

"Please? Calum I can't go into my house unless I show up with my boyfriend. And I can't show up with Nathan, my parents think my boyfriend is... well... smart..."

"You said Nathan is smart to Mrs. Arthur..."

"That was a lie, He's so not, damn it. I can't show up with an idiot jock, my parents are going to kill me. Please?"

The line is practically silent, and i'm terrified that he might have hung up.


After a pause, and a bit of hesitation, he speaks up.

"Call me Cal."


What even did I just create?

Ummmm no updates over the weekend, next update Monday..?

Maybe Tuesday idk



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