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Denna's POV

I sit inside the Starbucks for a little while, waiting until I know I won't be caught skipping class, so basically, until the time my spare starts.

While waiting, I decide that reading a book would be a good idea to kill the extra time I have.

I pick up my bag to see if I have anything interesting in it, finding my copy of The Fault In Our Stars buried under some textbooks.

I flip to the beginning, and start reading the book for probably the millionth time.

I find that I can start books, but I never feel like finishing them, I'm too impatient.

Ive started this book so so so many times, but I've never finished it.

Not that I don't know how it ends. Any book I start, Steph feels the need to go out and buy for herself. She reads it, and spoils the whole plot, including the ending.

I get to the part where Hazel and Augustus meet, again, when I see a crowd of people around my age, some faces familiar from around the school.

I have the same spare period as the majority of the school, so once some people I generally see around the cafeteria start walking in, I know I'm safe.

I quickly finish my chapter and read another to wait for the people to grab their drinks and leave, before I head out of the smaller-than-typical Starbucks myself.

Once everyone is gone, and it's just me, and the barista who's texting away on her phone, I pack up my things.

Then, he walks in.

"Calum? What are you doing here?" I frantically ask, trying to avoid any awkward conversations that could lead him on.

I don't want to get attached to him.

Or anyone.

"Ummm... getting a coffee?"

No shit Denna.

This is a coffee shop.

"Right right. Silly me." I reply, awkwardly laughing and flicking my head.

He looks at me with a confused little giggle.

A cute little giggle.



I don't want to have feelings for him. He's simply a friend. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I need to make sure he doesn't grow feelings for me, because I don't want to break anyone's heart.

"Yeah, um I'm gonna go now so..." I quickly pick up my bag and hurry out the door without looking back, leaving Calum behind, hopefully confused, and not into me.

Calum's POV

That was so awkward.

So unlike Denna.

She's normally an upbeat, positive member of society who's a complete asshole to general people, but someone sweet at the same time. She normally can have a civil conversation with people.

What's gotten into her?

I go up to and order my usual drink, trying to ignore that awkward exchange.

The girl behind the counter looks up from behind the register and looks me up and down.

She approvingly smirks.




I look down at my jeans and sweater. It's nothing special. Neither am I. Why is she like that?

"Name?" the barista asks, and I'm not sure if I should use a fake name to cover up and run away, never seeing her again in my life, or to be real.

"Calum" I reply, since I suck at lies.

She scribbles my name down on the cup, and something lower than it that I can't read from where I'm standing.

I pass the time I'm waiting by pulling out my phone and writing up a text to Denna.

Me: The barista is freaking me out :/

Denna: You'll survive.

I lock my screen. I thought yesterday would be the start of... something new.

But she's just been acting weird lately.

Not typical.

She's not being her bubbly and obnoxious self anymore (well, she's still obnoxious, just, not herself)

"Calum?" the girl calls out, even though we're the only ones in the small room.

"Thanks." I smile, as she nonchalantly rolls her long blond hair between her fingers while glancing over at me while I read the cup.

'Call me -Sam' it reads, with a phone number under it.

I look up at her, and she waves a little.

I awkwardly laugh a little, thinking of it as a joke, but then I realize she's not joining in. She's serious.

The so-called Sam girl looks at me with anticipation for my reaction.

I reply by saying "Are you sure you gave this cup to the right person?"

She looks at me, confused.

"Um, yes. Why?"

"Well to start, no one asks me out."

"Why?" she asks probably trying to sound seductive, coming to the front of the counter and slowly towards me.

I walk backwards, trying to subtly make my way to the doorway.

"You look pretty damn hot. I mean, you must have a girl, but I don't care."

Thats it.

The line has been crossed.

I jolt for the door, but before I can exit, someone enters.

Not just anyone, but Denna.

"Get out of here Calum. I can handle this slut."


I actually had a lot of fun writing this hehe






um um um so yeah that happened.

I have big plans but I don't know how to make everyone work realistically so this'll probably suck more than my last fanfic

it makes me happy that I'm getting put in so many reading lists for my last fanfiction because I worked hard on that shit


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