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I wait anxiously in the north hall where Mrs. Arthur had asked me to meet about possibly getting a tutor.

I pace back and force, until I can literally feel the soles of my shiny black flats running against the floor.

Right when I can't take the wait anymore, the old lady appears.

"Now Denna, lets get straight to the point, I asked Calum Hood to be a tutor, and since he's one of the brightest, I'd like for him to be your tutor."

I freeze, shocked, and think on my feet to come up with a way out of this.

"But I don't need a tutor, my grades can improve on their own!"

"He has agreed to it."

My face drops.

There is no way I'm letting him tutor me.

"Him out of all people? Why can't you chose someone for me that I actually get along with? What about Nathan? He's good at math!"

Nathan is my four month boyfriend, everyone knows we're dating, and no one dares hit on either of us.

"We can't have your boyfriend tutoring you, besides, he's already too busy with football and basketball."

I use every single begging technique I've ever learned, but Mrs. Arthur doesn't change her mind.

"Im sorry, but Calum will be tutoring you, and that's final. It's almost Christmas break, and you can study with him during your free time."

Christmas Break with him?

No thank you.

"Spend time with a loser like that? I'd rather die."

Not completely true, because death isn't something to joke about, and after having been so close to so many people who have passed, I'm not ready to joke about it.

But I hope it gets my vibe across.

"Im sorry Denna, but this is final."

I tried.

She walks away, and I'm left I'm the empty hallway, pissed.

"God. I hate my life!" I shout as I kick the wall.

I'm about to walk to the cafeteria, where the cheer girls are waiting for me, but I decide to call them up first.

"Hey Steph, guess what?"

"What?" she asks from the other end up the line, while trying to get the others around her to shut up.

"Im getting a tutor for my shitty math grades."

"Ooh! News! Who is it? Have they told you? Oh my god whooo?"

Sadly, I know who.

"Yeah, I know who it is."


"Is he hot?" says a voice from the back, loud enough that I heard it.

I instantly feel uncomfortable.

"No, he's so not hot"

I pause for a moment, trying to decide if I should say his name.

These are my friends.

I vote yes.

"It's Calum Hood."

Much to my surprise, Steph spits out "Who the hell is that? Is it one of those losers who sit in the library together at lunch?"

"You know, that loner who never hangs out with anyone? He's always sitting on the floor, in the back corner of the cafeteria."

"Nope." she pops the 'p' to prove her point.

"You need to pay attention to those losers"

"Ugh Den, can you just come back to the cafeteria and eat with us, we'll all talk then. Okay?"

"Yeah. I know. Okay I'm gonna come to the cafeteria now, save me a seat. Bye."

I look around, making sure no one heard my conversation.

Once I decide that I was completely alone I start making my way down to the cafeteria.

Out from behind a wall, slips a figure.

"Hey Denna."

I turn around to face it.

Oh shit.

It's him.

"Uh hi, Calum right?"

I decide to play it casual and pretend that the whole conversation that just happened, never happened.

He doesn't reciprocate.

"Don't you mean loser?"

"You heard all that didn't you?"

"Oh yes I did Denna. And can I just say, I didn't know I would be tutoring you?"

I raise my eyebrows.

"You didn't?"

He looks down at his shoes, "Mrs. Arthur told me it was someone stupid who was failing."

Shit, he knows I'm failing.



This couldn't be any more awkward.

I don't know what to say, how to act, what to think.

So I simply walk away, and make my way towards the cafeteria without looking up again.


Quick and short update because why not?

What time is better than 1:30am for an update?


um yeah so what's new guys?

does anyone even read this?




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