forty one

23 2 5

Denna's POV

With my phone hooked up to the car and blasting my music so loud I can't hear the car itself, I speed down the highway.

For the second time today, I'm leaving Michaels house after a fight with Calum that only resulted in tearing eyes and feeling like shit.

But this time, he meant it.

This time, something happened that he won't forgive me for. 

He's sick of me and I know it.

I never should have called James in the first place, if it weren't for him, I could be with Calum right now, probably watching him and the guys do a song while Cal looks at me the whole time with a cheeky grin.

I already miss all that.

Denna. You screwed up big time.

We were both so close to forgiving each other for the first mistake, and then I had to make another one. 

And this mistake is all on me, it's all my fault and James screwed up what me and Cal could have been.

But I forgot about him.

Even if I had remembered about him, I'm not the type to cheat, but I'm not to type to break someone's heart.

What would I do even if I did remember?

Damn it.

I blast my music a little louder, just do help drown out my thoughts, but then the song fades out and another one comes on.

Wait On Me comes on, and I remember the way he responded to this exact song on New Year's Eve, just a week and a half ago.

That was the last night we were still okay.



"Dude, what is this? Shouldn't I be singing this to you?"

"True, do you know the lyrics?"


"COME A LITTLE CLOSER WANNA BE THE ONE TO EXPLORE!" I realize the dirty lyrics and giggle but continue without care, "OOH I WANNA FEEL YOUR BODY."

"Damn girl, maybe Ashton isn't the only one being laid tonight." Calum winks.

"OH MY GOD CALUM IT'S A DAMN SONG I CAN'T BREATHE WOW." I yell while slapping his arm.

He smirks even though he can't see me through the blindfold.

"Don't lie, you liked it."

"Psssshhhh nahhhhhh."

"Okay buddy." he jokes.

"Buddy? Damn I thougt I was your girlfriend."

"Nope, you're my ex-man." he references to the song, which is adorable as hell.

"Are you breaking up with me?"

***End Of Flashback***

I don't think either of us had imagined us actually breaking up when I said that.

We were so amazing together in the little time that we were something beautiful. I miss that time to a point that words alone could never express.


He's 100% sick of me now.

Even I'm sick of me.

I can't handle the guilt anymore.

I don't know whether I should fix things with Calum, or turn to James.

Damn it Denna, you know you want Calum more than you want anyone else, James won't be able to fix what Calum just broke.

I know I need Calum.

'I know I need to explain it to him.

I countinue driving, but unplug my phone from the cable that hooks it up to the car.

I press the home button and quickly look up to make sure i'm watching where i'm going so I don't crash.

I unlock my phone quickly and glance upwards again.

I open Calums contact and debate between texting him or calling him.

I quickly decide on calling, so I press his number and hear the ringing over and over again, taunting me.

I look back up while listening to the tune of the ringing and eventually get to his voice mail.

I hang up, chuck the phone onto the passenger seat and speed past a few cars on the highway.

This time, i'm not going to turn into a random place and meet someone who'll screw shit up even further, no.

That's the whole reason i'm stuck in this mess.

This time, i'm not going to turn back to Sydney until a sign tells me that I need to.

This time, I mean it.

I hold down the accelerate and speed faster than before, swerving through the cars without a place to need to get to in a hurry.

Then a thought occurs to me.

If i'm not going to go home, where will I go?

And then I think, what will my parents think.

I laugh at myself for a minute.

That last one isn't a problem, they wouldn't care would they.

"Silly silly Denna." I say to myself very stupidly.

The only problem is where to stay.

I guess I could park somewhere and just sleep in my car?

Yeah, that works out well.

Perfect, i'm set for life aren't I?

 With nothing more to do, I drive down the highway.

My phone buzzes from the passenger seat.

It's his ring tone.

I pick it up quickly, and say hey.

"Denna. Come back to Michael's. I'm so sorry. just please. I need you"

His voice is cracking, it's obvious he's been crying.

"I'm coming. And Calum... I need you too." 

I hang up without question and turn my head to see if any cars are in the lane next to me so I can get off the highway and turn around.

With my vision blurred due to the tears, I see nothing, so I switch lanes, not focusing on my driving, only thinking of Calum's voice saying he needs me.

I hear a honk.

I turn my head and see a bright white light.

Cal, I need you too.

That's the last thing I see.


im so so so so so sorry.

denna, this is why i kept texting you saying i love you

a few chapters left, im almost done this

it only goes downhill from here


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