thirty eight

26 1 5

Calum's POV

"Put the bottle down Calum!" Michael screams at me.

Let him scream.

I don't give a shit.

About him.

About the band.

About anyone.

Only about Denna.

"Nuuhhhhh." I slur, tripping over my own feet, and taking another swig at the vodka.

The bottle turns to be empty, so I stumble towards Michaels fathers bar, and grab another bottle of whatever the hell is closest.

"Calum, stop, just tell us what happened!" Luke says, trying to get between me and the alcohol.

I push him to the ground, and countine sipping away at the almost full bottle.

He doesn't give in. Luke stands back up and says "Damn it Hood, This is not healthy! Find some other outlet, yeah you're going through shit but stay sober at the least."

"Find some other outlet? Do you want me to slit my wrists?" He shakes his head.

He looks at me in a horrible way, and it makes me feel guilty, so I look away.

"No you know that's not what I-"

"I mean seriously, answer me, because Denna's the reason i'm staying clean, but y'know, bros before hoes. I'll listen to you guys." I turn towards Michael, since it is his house after all.  "Michael do you got a blade in this house?"

Michael steps in, screaming, " What the hell Calum? We don't need another mess in here! You know that we love you mate! Don't even believe for a second that we don't care, and don't even believe for a second that you don't have us."

"We care a little too much." Luke chims in, too perkyily, earning a nod from Michael.

Biggest load of bullshit i've ever heard.

Ashton joins in, and im disgusted at his words.

"Calum, you were doing so well! Denna isn't a reason to break down."

I put the bottle down on the table, followed by Luke snatching it off, keeping me from drinking more.

I don't care, and just go up to Ashton slowly, who backs away from me at the same pace.

"Listen here you shit, you're my best friend and you should now by now that Denna means more to me than your future girlfriend will ever mean to you."

I clutch his shirt in my hands and whisper, my face inches away from his "Am I clear?"

He nods.

He looks horrified.

I'm torn between whether i'm glad or pissed.

So I wipe the sweat off my forehead and release him.

I look around to all the faces in the room.

Ash looks horrified at me, crying even.

Mikey looks like he lost his happiness, and is just nothing.

Luke is curled up with his ridivulously long legs wrapped up in his arms.

What did I do?

God, I have my only friends acting as if i'm a child who constantly needs help.

"I'm such a mess." I say out loud, too loud.

I sit down and let it all process.

I'm the reason that everyones so pissed.

i cause everone to feel like shit, I even cause myself to feel like shit.

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