thirty one

32 3 3

Calum's POV

I wake up, completly forgetting the date, the time, where I am, hell, I barely even remmeber my name anymore.

All I remmeber is strawberry flavored lipgloss and brown eyes.

And her.


Everything comes back, all of last night fades in and I find myself staring up at the ceiling with a smile spread so wide across my face.

"She kissed me." I whisper to myself.

I sit up, look in the mirror, and for the first time in quite a while, I like what I see.

Because if she kissed me, she clearly also likes what I currently see.

"She kissed me." I repeat again, making it all complwtly clear to myself so that I can stop my sub-consioues of believeing that it never happened before it starts.

I open my window, and scream out into the view of the site of our first date.

"SHE KISSED ME!" I yell out of it.

It was real.




Footsteps pound up the stairs and my door busts open.

"Calum sweetie are you okay?" says a feminine voice, not the one that kissed me.

"Am I okay? Mother, I am on a roller coaster that only goes up my friend." I reply with a smirk, referencing back to The Fault In Our Stars, which is something I know Denna loves the same way I love McFly.

She looks at me strangky, not getting the reference, but going along with it anyways since she knows i'm rarely ever in a good mood, and to let me be happy.

She leaves the room, and I continue acting like a teenager girl.

"SHE KISSED MEEEEEE!" I squeal, while going over to check my phone.

Two missed calls.

Four missed texts.

Both calls, of course from Denna, and the texts, also from her.

Denna: Good morning Calum(-:

Denna: Why won't you respond?):

Denna: Wait it's 7:30 and you got home at like 1am... awks

Denna: Okay I'll let you sleep lol

I laugh a little, and respond.

Me: lol it's fine, good morning :)

I look my phone and continue squealing, when I get a text alert from he embarrassingly fast.

Denna: (:*

Me: You do your smiley faces the wrong way:(

Denna: Do i do them the wrong way, or do you do them the wrong way?

Me: o.0

Denna: Yeah I said that

Me: It's too early for this bullshit

Denna: Then perhaps we should meet later today for this bullshit?

Me: Did you just ask me out... again?

Denna: I do believe so.

Me: Well okay then. Want to watch a movie together in my backyard?

Denna: Sure, i'll be over in an hour.

Me: Okay :)

Denna (:*

I laugh as I lock my phone and hop into the shower to quickly get ready before she gets here.

I toss on a Nickelback t-shirt and a black sweater with grey sweatpants and look at my reflection in the mirror, frowning at what I see, like I always do.

Wow, Denna could do so much better, why am I making her be stuck with me?

God, i'm not good enough for her.

I'm not good enough for anybody.

I take a seat on my bed a hold my head in my hands, trying to calm myself down, but my attempts not working.

"God god god i'm such a failure."

I repeat it over and over again until the point where it's permenently into my brain.

It scares me that I can go from so happy to so damn depressed so fast?

Why me?

Why do I have to be so screwed up?

"Damn it damn it damn it why?"

"CALUM SWEETIE ARE YOU OKAY?" my mother yells up the stairs.

With a shakey voice and tear filled eyes, I yell back "Yeah mom." and countinue crying.

I check the time, there's a half hour before Denna shows up.

Denna Denna Denna, I don't deserve her.

I don't deserve anything.

I don't deserve this affection.

I deserve pain.

I make my way over to my washroom, so glad I have a washroom to myself so that no one can find the secret stash of blades underneath the sink.

I pick one out, and look at the dried blood on it.

I look at my arm and the dried blood on it.

I close my eyes, and trace the already there lines again and again by memory.

After a few minutes and a bloody towel, I stop, and watch the blood draw before wiping it all away.


My phone goes off.

Denna: Hey, um I left a little early if that's okay? I'm sort of outside, I'll tell you what happened later...





writing this while google hangouting internet friends aye




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