thirty two

30 2 1

Denna's POV

I smile while putting down my phone from me and Calum's cute little conversation.

After throwing on a black and white tank top and rolled up capri's, I put my hair in a messy bun and sneak out of my room to the hallway, to track down where in the house my parents are so I can figure out how to sneak away from them.

My mother's in her washroom, probably wasting the past hour and the next hour on trying to perfect her eye makeup which makes her look more slutty than a teenager, my my father's somewhere in the basement, probably the bar, knowing him.

I get back in my room, and blast music through my laptop speakers, a trademark that i'm in my room.

I quickly swipe some mascara onto my eyelashes and slam my bedroom door and lock it.

Then I open my bedroom window and put a rope down it, climbing down.

From down here, I can still here the music playing, and my moher screaming "SHUT THE HELL UP DENNA!"

Haha nope.

I sneak as quietly as I can past my parents bathroom window where my mother is, and successfully get to the front driveway.

Only to find my father right beside my car with a bottle half full of vodka in one hand a cigarette in the other.

"Going somewhere?"

"Um n-no." I reply, scared.

He's drunk in the morning? Something must be up.

And I better get the hell away from him before he hurts me.

"Don't bullshit me."

I try to push away from him to get to my car, but my attempts fail, and he pulls me away from my car.

"Where are your keys?" he says, leaning against the drivers door.

"What? I'm not telling you."

"No no, i'll drive you." he slurs, coming forward to me.

 I duck from his attempt to give me a hug and creep back to the back of the house to under my window, ready to climb back up it since i'm clearly not going to be able to sneak away from him. But then, I see him creeping along the sides of the house, towards me, slowly,just like I had planned. I pull the rope down, and hide it in the bush in the garden, so he'll have no way in getting up to my room, it being locked and the rope being gone.

While he gets closer and closer, I run to my car as fast as I can.

He notices, and chases me, throwing the bottle and the cigarette at me.

The bottle misses, and breaks right behind me, shards of glass hitting my leg and cutting it.

The lit cigerette gets caught in the cuff of my capri's and burns a hole through it, me not caring.

I get to my car, turn on the ignition, and drive away as fast as possible, hearing nothing but curses behind me.

I roll down my window and flip him off before racing away.

By the time i'm around five blocks away from my house, I pull over and look at my leg.

Oh shit.

The glass is deep in, and the cigarette burned a hole through the denim, and burned my skin.

I lift my leg and carefully try to remove the glass out.

I put the bits of glass that came out in the cup holder of my car and remove the cigarette, putting it with the glass.

With glass still in my leg, I wipe the tears from my eyes before continuing on to Calum's house.

On the way there, I decide to leave the radio off so I can think without being interrupted.

Wow, my family sucks, I think to myself. They may love me, but they sure as hell have a screwed up way of showing it.

Calum's lucky to have such  a caring family, even though he doesn't accept their love.

i wish he would, maybe even open up about his while self-harm thing and maybe they could help him, at least they would try.

I get to him house before I thought I would, and then I realize I forgot to even tell him I was coming early, so I text him.

Me: Hey, um I left a little early if that's okay? I'm sort of outside, I'll tell you what happened later...

He texts back instantly.

Him: Knock on the door, my mother will be insanely kind to you while I finish getting ready.

I do as told, and like promised, his mother opens up and greets me with a massively and a "Come in deary, Calum isn't ready yet but i've made some cake if you want it."

"No thanks i'm good." I say politely while walking in and taking off my shoes.

She comes close and whispers to me "He's been ready for a while now, he's just really happy, so go up there and surprise him."

I smile at her and go up the stairs to his bedroom, not finding him there.

I hear light sobs coming from somewhere.

And then I think.

What did he tell me just last night?


Where's his washroom?

I find the source of crying, and bust the door open.



oh okay cool crying

im also in a pretty bad mood rn so y'know thats why this is depressing af

k bye


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