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Calum's POV

Michael, Luke, and Ashton look at me, so clearly shocked.

I'm not typically the type of person who would stand up for themselves.

Oh no.

I'm the type of person who'll shut up and deal with everything, until nighttime, when I'll just let everything out in one way or another.

Michael is first to speak up, he lets go of me, and moves back towards the boys.

"Are you sure you said that? It doesn't sound like a very Calum Hoodish thing to say."

The two blondes murmur in agreement.

I'm not surprised, they're probably all scared of me.

"I don't know what happened to me! She was just...." I yell into the pillow for the millionth time today, "URGH! I can't even explain anything. I swear she had some superpower that charged me up because I wasn't being myself."

Ashton and Michael look at me like I'm insane. But Luke just understandingly nods.

He's weird like that.

Luke speaks up, very, very slowly, "Calum, are you sure she was hot?"

Ashton and Michael laugh.

But me and Luke don't.

He holds his steady and scary gaze.

I nod "Holy shit yes."

He stares into my boring eyes with a completely serious expression on his face.

I swear Luke is like a love doctor.

"I'm just so stuck here. I think I like her."

The basement is silent, and no one dares to break the quiet.

Luke's POV

Calum seemed so down.

As much of a douche I may sound like to think it, It's not everyday that Calum has a hot girl talk to him.

I mean, it's just that, he's so outcasted, that not even me, Ashton, and Michael hang out with him at school.

He understands why, Calum's a nice guy, and he gets that. But it still makes the three of us feel like shit, but we can't do anything about it.

The four of us sit in silence as we all think over everything that Calum had just told us.

Michael breaks our awkward silence. "That's... wow Cal. I mean, do you even remember her name?"

Calum closes his eyes and looks like he's really focused in on trying to remember it.

"Iv'e seen her around. She's one of those cheerleaders."

I groan, personally having experience with one of those cheer squad girls.

"You like one of those? Do you not remember what Char did to Luke?" Michael asks facing Calum.

I turn away a bit, still upset over that day, less than a couple months ago, when I caught her with some stupid jock, on the football team.

Calum looks at me with his adorable little 'oops. sorry' face, and says "It definitely wasn't Char. I know that for sure."

I honestly feel a bit weirded out at the possibility that it could be her. But, then again, Cal does know what she looks like.

And he always thought she was an ass.

I just never thought he was right.

"D-De... I think it starts with a D?"

My mind races through a list of all the cheerleaders from this year, and the previous two years we've been in high school here, landing on a couple that have names starting with a D and sorta match his description of the mysterious girl.

"Darla? She was a cheerleader last year..?" I suggest

Ashton shakes his head while Calum thinks "Wait Luke, didn't she graduate last year?"

"Right. Oops."

I keep thinking for a minute.

"Dina? She's that freshman that made cheer squad."

"No, no... I feel like it's something close to that though..."

I think hard for a second. It must be one of the girls that didn't talk to the other cheerleaders too much, because Char barely introduced me to them.

Then, I light up.


Cal smiles, frowns, half-smiles, shakes his head, nods his head, rolls his eyes, yells in frustration, and says "She's complicated. It's Denna. I remember now. She's screwed me over man. I never have had a crush before, what do I do?"

"Just be yourself, someone should like you for who you are, and if they don't, kick them in the ass and move on."

Ladies and gentleman, wise words of advice by Ashton Irwin.

Michael giggles and says "We sound like such girls, giving dating tips and all that shit."

I scoff, and say "Please Michael, me, Ash, and Cal are dudes, you're the only feminine one here."

This causes the happiest face Calum has had today, a laugh from Ashton, and Michael hitting me on the head with a pillow.

I pick up a pillow, ready to hit him back, but put it down.

"I would hit you back, but I can't hit a girl."

"Ooooh" Ashton laughs.

"Shits going downnnn" whispers Calum, the first, non-depressing thing he's said during our not-so-band-practice.

He looks away and blushes as soon as all our eyes hit him have proud smiles on our faces.

He's been trying to get better.

He really has been.

He used to be so much worse, but it's amazing how much progress he's made, and the three of us agree on that.

Ashton clears his throat and speaks up.

"Hey guys, maybe we should actually practice?"


I wasted today watching Its Kind Of A Funny Story, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and New Girl.

That's how much of a loner I am.

ummmmmm hi guys

what's up?

how's the chapter?

I'm so boring oh god

okay bye


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